Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs: JavaScript Edition (Paperback)
暫譯: 計算機程式的結構與詮釋:JavaScript 版 (平裝本)

Abelson, Harold, Sussman, Gerald Jay, Henz, Martin




A new version of the classic and widely used text adapted for the JavaScript programming language.

Since the publication of its first edition in 1984 and its second edition in 1996, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP) has influenced computer science curricula around the world. Widely adopted as a textbook, the book has its origins in a popular entry-level computer science course taught by Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman at MIT. SICP introduces the reader to central ideas of computation by establishing a series of mental models for computation. Earlier editions used the programming language Scheme in their program examples. This new version of the second edition has been adapted for JavaScript.

The first three chapters of SICP cover programming concepts that are common to all modern high-level programming languages. Chapters four and five, which used Scheme to formulate language processors for Scheme, required significant revision. Chapter four offers new material, in particular an introduction to the notion of program parsing. The evaluator and compiler in chapter five introduce a subtle stack discipline to support return statements (a prominent feature of statement-oriented languages) without sacrificing tail recursion.

The JavaScript programs included in the book run in any implementation of the language that complies with the ECMAScript 2020 specification, using the JavaScript package sicp provided by the MIT Press website.


經過調整以適用於 JavaScript 程式語言的經典廣泛使用文本的新版本。

自1984年首次出版及1996年第二版以來,計算機程式的結構與解釋SICP)對全球的計算機科學課程產生了深遠的影響。該書作為教科書被廣泛採用,源於哈佛·阿貝爾森(Harold Abelson)和傑拉爾德·傑伊·薩斯曼(Gerald Jay Sussman)在麻省理工學院(MIT)教授的一門受歡迎的入門計算機科學課程。SICP 通過建立一系列計算的心理模型,向讀者介紹計算的核心概念。早期版本的程式範例使用了程式語言 Scheme。這個第二版的新版本已經調整為適用於 JavaScript。

SICP 的前三章涵蓋了所有現代高級程式語言中常見的程式設計概念。第四章和第五章使用 Scheme 來制定 Scheme 的語言處理器,這需要進行重大修訂。第四章提供了新材料,特別是對程式解析概念的介紹。第五章中的評估器和編譯器引入了一種微妙的堆疊規範,以支持返回語句(這是以語句為導向的語言的一個顯著特徵),而不犧牲尾遞歸。

書中包含的 JavaScript 程式可以在任何符合 ECMAScript 2020 規範的語言實現中運行,並使用麻省理工學院出版社網站提供的 JavaScript 套件 sicp。


Harold Abelson is Class of 1922 Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at MIT. Gerald Jay Sussman is Panasonic Professor of Electrical Engineering at MIT. Martin Henz is Associate Professor of Computer Science at the National University of Singapore. Tobias Wrigstad is Professor of Computer Science at Uppsala University.


