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This text offers an introduction to quantum computing, with a special emphasis on basic quantum physics, experiment, and quantum devices. Unlike many other texts, which tend to emphasize algorithms, Quantum Computing without Magic explains the requisite quantum physics in some depth, and then explains the devices themselves. It is a book for readers who, having already encountered quantum algorithms, may ask, "Yes, I can see how the algebra does the trick, but how can we actually do it?" By explaining the details in the context of the topics covered, this book strips the subject of the "magic" with which it is so often cloaked.
Quantum Computing without Magic covers the essential probability calculus; the qubit, its physics, manipulation and measurement, and how it can be implemented using superconducting electronics; quaternions and density operator formalism; unitary formalism and its application to Berry phase manipulation; the biqubit, the mysteries of entanglement, nonlocality, separability, biqubit classification, and the Schroedinger's Cat paradox; the controlled-NOT gate, its applications and implementations; and classical analogs of quantum devices and quantum processes.
Quantum Computing without Magic can be used as a complementary text for physics and electronic engineering undergraduates studying quantum computing and basic quantum mechanics, or as an introduction and guide for electronic engineers, mathematicians, computer scientists, or scholars in these fields who are interested in quantum computing and how it might fit into their research programs.
這段文字介紹了量子計算,特別強調基本的量子物理、實驗和量子裝置。與許多其他著作傾向於強調演算法不同,Quantum Computing without Magic 深入解釋了所需的量子物理,然後再解釋這些裝置本身。這本書適合那些已經接觸過量子演算法的讀者,他們可能會問:「是的,我可以看到代數是如何運作的,但我們實際上該如何做到呢?」通過在所涵蓋主題的背景下解釋細節,這本書剝除了這個主題常常被披上「魔法」的外衣。
Quantum Computing without Magic 涵蓋了基本的機率計算;量子位(qubit)、其物理特性、操作和測量,以及如何使用超導電子學來實現;四元數和密度算子形式;單位形式及其在 Berry 相位操作中的應用;雙量子位(biqubit)、糾纏的奧秘、非局域性、可分性、雙量子位分類,以及薛丁格的貓悖論;受控-NOT 閘、其應用和實現;以及量子裝置和量子過程的經典類比。
Quantum Computing without Magic 可以作為學習量子計算和基本量子力學的物理和電子工程本科生的補充教材,或作為對量子計算感興趣的電子工程師、數學家、計算機科學家或相關領域學者的入門和指導。