The Great Remobilization: Strategies and Designs for a Smarter Global Future

Groth, Olaf, Esposito, Mark, Tse, Terence

  • 出版商: MIT
  • 出版日期: 2023-10-17
  • 售價: $1,350
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$1,283
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 240
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 0262047934
  • ISBN-13: 9780262047937
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


How the turmoil of recent years gives leaders an unprecedented opportunity to redesign global strategies and systems and to remobilize toward a smarter, more resilient, and equitable future.

How can leaders faced with tremendous global upheaval create more resilient and trustworthy systems? In The Great Remobilization, Olaf Groth, Mark Esposito, and Terence Tse (along with research partner Dan Zehr) diagnose tectonic shifts in the global economy with an eye toward designing a smarter "operating system" for the world. Through their FLP-IT (forces, logic, phenomena, impact, and triage) framework for strategic leadership, the authors chart a path forward, providing guidance for a new breed of "design activist leader." Focusing on key tectonic shifts they call the Five Cs--COVID and pandemic management, the cognitive economy and crypto, cybersecurity, climate change and carbon management, and China--they examine the implications that new forces and logics will have on countries, organizations, and individuals.

Drawing from one hundred interviews and conversations with top-level executives, entrepreneurs, policymakers, diplomats, generals, scholars, and other leading experts from around the world, the authors show how to create new inclusive visions with the aim of rebuilding the trust that will allow for both human and economic growth. Insightful and forward-thinking, The Great Remobilization powerfully illustrates the rare opportunity that we have in this historic moment to actively redesign our fragile, overpressurized global systems and develop new strategies and leadership approaches for the future. Authored by three scholar-practitioners, their synthetic perspectives and insights are at once rooted in deep research and focused on relevance for leaders and their organizations.



面對巨大的全球動盪,領導者如何能夠創造出更具韌性和可信賴的系統?在《The Great Remobilization》中,Olaf Groth、Mark Esposito 和 Terence Tse(以及研究夥伴 Dan Zehr)診斷全球經濟中的構造性變化,旨在為世界設計一個更智慧的「操作系統」。透過他們的 FLP-IT(力量、邏輯、現象、影響和分流)框架,作者為戰略領導指引了一條前進的道路,提供了新型「設計行動者領導者」的指導。聚焦於他們所稱的五大構造性變化——COVID 及疫情管理、認知經濟與加密貨幣、網絡安全、氣候變遷與碳管理,以及中國——他們探討了新力量和邏輯對國家、組織和個人的影響。

作者從一百次與全球頂尖高管、企業家、政策制定者、外交官、將軍、學者及其他領域專家的訪談和對話中汲取靈感,展示如何創造新的包容性願景,以重建信任,促進人類和經濟的成長。《The Great Remobilization》深入且具前瞻性地強調了我們在這個歷史時刻所擁有的難得機會,積極重新設計我們脆弱且過度壓力的全球系統,並為未來發展新的策略和領導方法。這本書由三位學者兼實踐者撰寫,他們的綜合觀點和見解根植於深厚的研究,並專注於對領導者及其組織的相關性。


Olaf Groth is CEO of Cambrian Futures and Cambrian Labs, professional faculty at UC Berkeley Haas, Hult IBS and UT Malaysia, and co-author of The Great Remobilization and Solomon's Code. He advises executives, investors and policy makers on AI, emerging tech, global strategy, and the global economy and contributes as an expert to the World Economic Forum and major media outlets globally.

Mark Esposito is Professor of Economics at Hult International Business School, Professor of Public Policy at Mohamed Bin Rashid School of Government, and Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University. He is a Harvard social scientist with affiliations with the Center for International Development at Harvard Kennedy School, at the Institute for Quantitative Social Science and the Davis Center for Eurasian Studies. He has been affiliate faculty of the Microeconomics of Competitiveness at Harvard Business School, under the mentorship of Prof. Michael E. Porter. He advises governments in the GCC and Eurasia regions and is a global expert of the World Economic Forum. He co-founded Nexus FrontierTech, a Machine Learning research lab and The Circular Economy Alliance, an EdTech firm.

Terence Tse is Professor of Finance at Hult International Business School, Affiliate Professor at ESCP Business School, and Visiting Professor at Cotrugli Business School. He is cofounder and executive director of the AI company Nexus FrontierTech. He also cofounded Excellere, a think tank. A highly sought out speaker, he is coauthor of The AI Republic and Understanding How the Future Unfolds, and the author of Corporate Finance: The Basics.


Olaf Groth 是 Cambrian Futures 和 Cambrian Labs 的執行長,並擔任 UC Berkeley Haas、Hult IBS 和 UT Malaysia 的專業教職。他是《The Great Remobilization》和《Solomon's Code》的共同作者。他為高層主管、投資者和政策制定者提供有關人工智慧、新興科技、全球策略和全球經濟的建議,並作為專家貢獻於世界經濟論壇及全球主要媒體。

Mark Esposito 是 Hult International Business School 的經濟學教授,Mohamed Bin Rashid School of Government 的公共政策教授,以及 Georgetown University 的兼任教授。他是哈佛社會科學家,與哈佛甘迺迪政府學院的國際發展中心、定量社會科學研究所及歐亞研究戴維斯中心有關聯。他曾在哈佛商學院的競爭力微觀經濟學計畫中擔任附屬教職,並在 Michael E. Porter 教授的指導下進行研究。他為海灣合作委員會(GCC)和歐亞地區的政府提供建議,並是世界經濟論壇的全球專家。他共同創立了 Nexus FrontierTech,一家機器學習研究實驗室,以及 The Circular Economy Alliance,一家教育科技公司。

Terence Tse 是 Hult International Business School 的金融學教授,ESCP Business School 的附屬教授,以及 Cotrugli Business School 的訪問教授。他是 AI 公司 Nexus FrontierTech 的共同創辦人和執行董事,並共同創立了智庫 Excellere。他是一位備受追捧的演講者,並是《The AI Republic》和《Understanding How the Future Unfolds》的共同作者,以及《Corporate Finance: The Basics》的作者。