Digital Countercultures and the Struggle for Community (The Information Society Series)
暫譯: 數位反文化與社群的奮鬥(資訊社會系列)

Jessa Lingel



Whether by accidental keystroke or deliberate tinkering, technology is often used in ways that are unintended and unimagined by its designers and inventors. In this book, Jessa Lingel offers an account of digital technology use that looks beyond Silicon Valley and college dropouts-turned-entrepreneurs. Instead, Lingel tells stories from the margins of countercultural communities that have made the Internet meet their needs, subverting established norms of how digital technologies should be used. Lingel presents three case studies that contrast the imagined uses of the web to its lived and often messy practicalities. She examines a social media platform (developed long before Facebook) for body modification enthusiasts, with early web experiments in blogging, community, wikis, online dating, and podcasts; a network of communication technologies (both analog and digital) developed by a local community of punk rockers to manage information about underground shows; and the use of Facebook and Instagram for both promotional and community purposes by Brooklyn drag queens. Drawing on years of fieldwork, Lingel explores issues of alterity and community, inclusivity and exclusivity, secrecy and surveillance, and anonymity and self-promotion.

By examining online life in terms of countercultural communities, Lingel argues that looking at outsider experiences helps us to imagine new uses and possibilities for the tools and platforms we use in everyday life.


無論是因為意外的按鍵錯誤還是故意的調整,科技經常以其設計者和發明者未曾預見的方式被使用。在這本書中,Jessa Lingel 提供了一個關於數位科技使用的敘述,超越了矽谷和那些輟學後成為企業家的故事。相反地,Lingel 講述了來自反文化社群邊緣的故事,這些社群使得網際網路能夠滿足他們的需求,顛覆了數位科技應該如何使用的既定規範。Lingel 提出了三個案例研究,對比了網路的想像用途與其實際生活中常常混亂的現實。她檢視了一個社交媒體平台(在 Facebook 之前就已開發)專為身體改造愛好者而設,並探討了早期的網路實驗,包括部落格、社群、維基、線上約會和播客;一個由當地龐克搖滾社群開發的通訊技術網路(包括類比和數位技術),用以管理地下演出的資訊;以及布魯克林變裝皇后利用 Facebook 和 Instagram 進行宣傳和社群活動的方式。基於多年的田野調查,Lingel 探索了他者性與社群、包容性與排他性、秘密與監視,以及匿名性與自我推廣等議題。

透過檢視反文化社群的線上生活,Lingel 主張,觀察外部者的經驗有助於我們想像日常生活中所使用的工具和平台的新用途和可能性。