A Programmer's Guide to Java Certification: A Comprehesive Primer, 2/e (Paperback) (Java 認證程式設計師指南:全面入門(第二版))
Khalid A Mughal, Rolf W Rasmussen
- 出版商: Addison Wesley
- 出版日期: 2003-08-14
- 定價: $1,650
- 售價: 2.4 折 $399
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 672
- 裝訂: Paperback
- ISBN: 0201728281
- ISBN-13: 9780201728286
Java 程式語言
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To pass the Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform 1.4 exam (SCPJ2 1.4) you need this book. It is written for any experienced programmer (with or without previous knowledge of Java) interested in mastering the Java programming language and passing the SCPJ2 1.4 exam.
A Programmer's Guide to Java™ Certification, Second Edition, contains detailed coverage of all exam topics and objectives, helpful code examples, exercises, review questions, and several full practice exams. In addition, as a comprehensive primer to the Java programming language, this book is an invaluable reference tool for the reader.
This new edition has been thoroughly updated to focus on the latest version of the exam (CX-310-035). In particular, it contains more in-depth explanations of the syntax and usage of core language features that are now emphasized on the exam. The accompanying CD contains a version of the SCPJ2 1.4 Exam Simulator developed by Whizlabs Software, which includes several mock exams and simulates the exam-taking experience. The CD also contains the complete source code for all the examples, and solutions to the programming exercises.
What you will find in this book:
Table of Contents
List of Tables.
List of Examples.
List of
About This Book.
Using the Book.
Book Web Sites.
Request for Feedback.
About the Authors.
Acknowledgments (First Edition).
Acknowledgments (Second Edition).
1. Basics of Java Programming.
Object References.
Instance Members.
Static Members.
Tenets of Java.
Java Programs.
Sample Java Application.
Compiling and Running an Application.
Review Questions.
Chapter Summary.
Programming Exercises.
2. Language Fundamentals.
Integer Literals.
Floating-point Literals.
Boolean Literals.
Character Literals.
String Literals.
White Spaces.
Review Questions.
Primitive Data Types.
Character Type.
Floating-point Types.
Boolean Type.
Review Questions.
Variable Declarations.
Object Reference Variables.
Lifetime of Variables.
Initial Values for Variables.
Initializing Local Variables of Primitive Data Types.
Initializing Local Reference Variables.
Review Questions.
Java Source File Structure.
The main() Method.
Chapter Summary.
Programming Exercises.
3. Operators and Assignments.
Evaluation order of operands.
Narrowing and Widening Conversions.
Numeric Promotions.
Type Conversion Contexts.
Simple Assignment Operator =.
Assigning References.
Multiple Assignments.
Numeric Type Conversions on Assignment.
Review Questions.
Arithmetic Operators: *, /, %, +, -.
Evaluation Order in Arithmetic Expressions.
Range of Numeric Values.
Unary Arithmetic Operators: -, +.
Multiplicative Binary Operators: *, /, %.
Additive Binary Operators: +, -.
Numeric Promotions in Arithmetic Expressions.
Arithmetic Compound Assignment Operators: *=, /=, %=, +=, -=.
Review Questions.
The Binary String Concatenation Operator +.
Variable Increment and Decrement Operators: ++, --.
Decrement Operator --.
Review Questions.
Boolean Expressions.
Relational Operators: <, <=, >, >=.
Object Reference Equality: ==, !=.
Object Value Equality.
Boolean Logical Operators: !, ^, &, |.
Boolean Logical Compound Assignment Operators: &=, ^=, |=.
Conditional Operators: &&, ||.
Review Questions.
Integer Bitwise Operators: ~, &, |, ^.
Shift Operators: <<, >>, >>>.
The Shift-right-with-sign-fill Operator >>.
The Shift-right-with-zero-fill Operator >>>.
Shift Compound Assignment Operators: <<=, >>=, >>>=.
The Conditional Operator ? :.
Other Operators: new, , instanceof.
Parameter Passing.
Passing Primitive Data Values.
Passing Object Reference Values.
Passing Array References.
Array Elements as Actual Parameters.
final Parameters.
Program Arguments.
Chapter Summary.
Programming Exercises.
4. Declarations and Access Control.
Constructing an Array.
Initializing an Array.
Using an Array.
Anonymous Arrays.
Multidimensional Arrays.
Review Questions.
Defining Classes.
Defining Methods.
Instance Methods and Object Reference this.
Method Overloading.
Overloaded Constructors.
Scope Rules.
Block Scope for Local Variables.
Review Questions.
Using Packages.
Compiling and Running Code from Packages.
Accessibility Modifiers for Top-level Classes and Interfaces.
Other Modifiers for Classes.
final Classes.
Review Questions.
Member Accessibility Modifiers.
protected Members.
Default Accessibility for Members.
private Members.
Review Questions.
Other Modifiers for Members.
final Members.
abstract Methods.
synchronized Methods.
native Methods.
transient Fields.
volatile Fields.
Review Questions.
Chapter Summary.
Programming Exercises.
5. Control Flow, Exception Handling and Assertions.
Selection Statements.
if-else Statement.
switch Statement.
Review Questions.
Iteration Statements.
do-while Statement.
for Statement.
Transfer Statements.
break Statement.
continue Statement.
return Statement.
Review Questions.
Stack-based Execution and Exception Propagation.
Exception Types.
Class RuntimeException.
Class Error.
Checked and Unchecked Exceptions.
Defining New Exceptions.
Exception Handling: try, catch and finally.
catch Block.
finally Block.
throw Statement.
throws Clause.
Compiling Assertions.
Runtime Enabling and Disabling of Assertions.
Using Assertions.
Review Questions.
Chapter Summary.
Programming Exercises.
6. Object-oriented Programming.
Review Questions.
Overriding and Hiding Members.
Field Hiding.
Static Method Hiding.
Overriding vs. Overloading.
Object Reference super.
Review Questions.
Chaining Constructors using this() and super().
super() Constructor Call.
Review Questions.
Method Prototype Declarations.
Implementing Interfaces.
Extending Interfaces.
Constants in Interfaces.
Review Questions.
Completing the Type Hierarchy.
Assigning, Passing and Casting Reference Values.
Parameter Passing Conversions.
Reference Casting and instanceof Operator.
Converting References of Class and Interface Types.
Review Questions.
Polymorphism and Dynamic Method Lookup.
Inheritance vs. Aggregation.
Choosing between Inheritance and Aggregation.
Review Questions.
Chapter Summary.
Programming Exercises.
7. Nested Classes and Interfaces.
Static Member Classes and Interfaces.
Accessing Members in Enclosing Context.
Non-static Member Classes.
Accessing Members in Enclosing Context.
Review Questions.
Local Classes.
Instantiating Local Classes.
Anonymous Classes.
Implementing an Interface.
Instantiating Anonymous Classes.
Accessing Declarations in Enclosing Context.
Review Questions.
Chapter Summary.
Programming Exercise.
8. Object Lifetime.
Facilitating Garbage Collection.
Object Finalization.
Finalizer Chaining.
Invoking Garbage Collection.
Review Questions.
Static Initializer Blocks.
Instance Initializer Blocks.
Constructing Initial Object State.
Review Questions.
Chapter Summary.
9. Threads.
Overview of Threads.
Thread Creation.
Extending the Thread Class.
Review Questions.
Synchronized Methods.
Synchronized Blocks.
Review Questions.
Thread Transitions.
Thread Priorities.
Thread Scheduler.
Running and Yielding.
Sleeping and Waking Up.
Waiting and Notifying.
Blocking for I/O.
Thread Termination.
Review Questions.
Chapter Summary.
Programming Exercises.
10. Fundamental Classes.
The Object Class.
The Wrapper Classes.
Common Wrapper Class Utility Methods.
Numeric Wrapper Classes.
Character Class.
Boolean Class.
Review Questions.
The Math Class.
Exponential Functions.
Trigonometry Functions.
Pseudorandom Number Generator.
Review Questions.
The String Class.
Reading Characters from a String.
Comparing Strings.
Character Case in a String.
Concatenation of Strings.
Searching for Characters and Substrings.
Extracting Substrings.
Converting Primitive Values and Objects to Strings.
Review Questions.
The StringBuffer Class.
Reading and Changing Characters in String Buffers.
Constructing Strings from String Buffers.
Appending, Inserting and Deleting Characters in String Buffers.
Controlling String Buffer Capacity.
Review Questions.
Chapter Summary.
Programming Exercises.
11. Collections and Maps.
Bulk Operations.
Array Operations.
Review Questions.
Review Questions.
Bulk Operations.
Collection Views.
HashMap, LinkedHashMap and Hashtable.
Sorted Sets and Sorted Maps.
The Comparable Interface.
The SortedSet Interface.
The SortedMap Interface.
TreeSet and TreeMap.
Review Questions.
Implementing the equals(), hashCode() and compareTo() methods.
The hashCode() method.
The compareTo() method.
Working with Collections.
Unmodifiable Collection Decorators.
Sorting Collections.
Searching in Collections.
Singleton Collections.
Other Utility Methods in the Collections Class.
Utility Methods in the Arrays Class.
Abstract Implementations.
Review Questions.
Chapter Summary.
Programming Exercise.
Appendix A. Taking the SCPJ2 1.4 Exam.
Registering for the exam.
Signing Up for the Test.
Contact Information.
After Taking the Exam.
How the Examination Is Conducted.
Utilizing the Allotted time.
The Exam Program.
The Questions.
Types of answers expected.
Topics Covered by the Questions.
Moving on to the developer exam.
Appendix B. Objectives for the SCPJ2 1.4 Exam.
Appendix C.
Objectives for the Java 2 Platform Upgrade Exam.
Appendix D.
Annotated Answers to Review Questions.
Appendix E. Solutions to
Programming Exercises.
Appendix F. Sample Exam.
G. Number Systems and Number Representation.
Converting Binary Numbers to Decimals.
Converting Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers to Decimals.
Relationship between Binary, Octal and Hex Numbers.
Converting Decimals.
Converting Decimals to Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers.
Representing Integers.
Appendix H. Using the CD.
Installing the Programs.
Using the Programs.
要通過Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform 1.4考試(SCPJ2 1.4),您需要這本書。這本書適合任何有經驗的程式設計師(具有或不具有Java的先前知識),他們有興趣掌握Java程式設計語言並通過SCPJ2 1.4考試。
《A Programmer's Guide to Java™ Certification, Second Edition》詳細介紹了所有考試主題和目標,提供了有用的程式碼示例、練習題、複習問題和幾個完整的模擬考試。此外,作為Java程式設計語言的全面入門指南,本書對讀者來說是一個寶貴的參考工具。
這本新版書籍已經全面更新,重點放在最新版本的考試(CX-310-035)上。特別是,它更詳細地解釋了現在考試強調的核心語言特性的語法和用法。附帶的CD包含由Whizlabs Software開發的SCPJ2 1.4考試模擬器版本,其中包含幾個模擬考試,模擬考試的體驗。CD還包含所有示例的完整源代碼以及編程練習的解答。
- 對Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform 1.4考試定義的所有目標的廣泛涵蓋
- 結構清晰,根據Sun Microsystems制定的考試目標組織的章節
- 摘要清楚地陳述和區分每個章節中的考試目標和補充目標
- SCPJ2 1.4考試的Sun目標列表以及參加考試的指南
- 一個完整的模擬考試,包含新的問題(不是複習問題的重複)
- 一個CD,其中包含幾個模擬考試和Whizlabs Software開發的SCJP 1.4考試模擬器版本,模擬考試的體驗
- 大量與考試相關的複習問題,以測試您對每個主要主題的理解,並附有註釋的答案
- 每章結束時的編程練習和解答
- 大量的程式碼示例,展示了編譯並在多個平台上進行了全面測試的概念
- 程式輸出展示了運行示例時的預期結果
- 廣泛使用統一建模語言(UML)進行說明
- 對面向對象編程的基本術語和概念的介紹
- 如何避免在掌握語言和參加考試時常見的錯誤的建議
- 獨立於平台的涵蓋範圍-在相關的地方提供特定於平台的細節
- 關於SCPJ2升級考試的信息
- 表格目錄
- 示例目錄
- 圖表目錄
- 前言
- 前言
- 前言
- 寫作第二版
- 關於本書
- 使用本書
- 書籍網站
- 反饋請求
- 關於作者
- 致謝(第一版)
- 致謝(第二版)
- 簡介
- 類別
- 声明成員:字段和方法
- 物件
- 類別實例化
- 物件引用
- 實例成員
- 調用方法
- 靜態成員
- 繼承
- 聚合
- Java的原則
- 複習問題
- Java程式
- 範例Java應用程式
- Java應用程式的基本元素
- 編譯和運行應用程式
- 複習問題
- 章節摘要