SQL Server 2022 Administration Inside Out

West, Randolph, Assaf, William, Noble, Elizabeth

  • 出版商: MicroSoft
  • 出版日期: 2023-04-15
  • 定價: $2,400
  • 售價: 9.0$2,160 (限時優惠至 2024-10-31)
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 992
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 0137899882
  • ISBN-13: 9780137899883
  • 相關分類: MSSQLSQL
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=1)




Conquer SQL Server 2022 and Azure SQL administration from the inside out!

Dive into SQL Server 2022 administration and grow your Microsoft SQL Server data platform skillset. This well-organized reference packs in timesaving solutions, tips, and workarounds, all you need to plan, implement, deploy, provision, manage, and secure SQL Server 2022 in any environment: on-premises, cloud, or hybrid, including detailed, dedicated chapters on Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Managed Instance. Nine experts thoroughly tour DBA capabilities available in the SQL Server 2022 Database Engine, SQL Server Data Tools, SQL Server Management Studio, PowerShell, and much more. You'll find extensive new coverage of Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Managed Instance, both as a cloud platform of SQL Server and in their new integrations with SQL Server 2022, information available in no other book. Discover how experts tackle today's essential tasks and challenge yourself to new levels of mastery.

  • Identify low-hanging fruit and practical, easy wins for improving SQL Server administration
  • Get started with modern SQL Server tools, including SQL Server Management Studio, and Azure Data Studio
  • Upgrade your SQL Server administration skillset to new features of SQL Server 2022, Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Managed Instance, and SQL Server on Linux
  • Design and implement modern on-premises database infrastructure, including Kubernetes
  • Leverage data virtualization of third-party or non-relational data sources
  • Monitor SQL instances for corruption, index activity, fragmentation, and extended events
  • Automate maintenance plans, database mail, jobs, alerts, proxies, and event forwarding
  • Protect data through encryption, privacy, and auditing
  • Provision, manage, scale and secure, and bidirectionally synchronize Microsoft's powerful Azure SQL Managed Instance
  • Understand and enable new Intelligent Query Processing features to increase query concurrency
  • Prepare a best-practice runbook for disaster recovery
  • Use SQL Server 2022 features to span infrastructure across hybrid environments


從內而外掌握 SQL Server 2022 和 Azure SQL 管理!

深入研究 SQL Server 2022 管理並提升您的 Microsoft SQL Server 資料平台技能。這本組織良好的參考書提供了省時的解決方案、技巧和解決方法,讓您能夠在任何環境中計劃、實施、部署、配置、管理和保護 SQL Server 2022,包括本地、雲端或混合環境。書中還有專門介紹 Azure SQL Database 和 Azure SQL Managed Instance 的詳細章節。九位專家全面介紹了 SQL Server 2022 數據庫引擎、SQL Server Data Tools、SQL Server Management Studio、PowerShell 等 DBA 功能。您將找到關於 Azure SQL Database 和 Azure SQL Managed Instance 的廣泛新內容,這兩者作為 SQL Server 的雲端平台,以及它們與 SQL Server 2022 的新整合,這些資訊在其他書籍中無法找到。發現專家如何應對當今的重要任務,並挑戰自己達到新的掌握水平。

- 辨識改善 SQL Server 管理的低成本和實用方法
- 開始使用現代 SQL Server 工具,包括 SQL Server Management Studio 和 Azure Data Studio
- 將 SQL Server 管理技能升級至 SQL Server 2022、Azure SQL Database、Azure SQL Managed Instance 和 SQL Server on Linux 的新功能
- 設計和實施現代本地數據庫基礎架構,包括 Kubernetes
- 利用第三方或非關聯數據來源的數據虛擬化
- 監控 SQL 實例的損壞、索引活動、碎片和擴展事件
- 自動化維護計劃、數據庫郵件、作業、警報、代理和事件轉發
- 通過加密、隱私和審計保護數據
- 配置、管理、擴展和保護 Microsoft 強大的 Azure SQL Managed Instance,並實現雙向同步
- 瞭解並啟用新的智能查詢處理功能,以增加查詢並發性
- 為災難恢復準備一份最佳實踐手冊
- 使用 SQL Server 2022 功能跨混合環境擴展基礎架構


Randolph West (they/them) lives in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, with a husband and two dogs. After being a consultant for millennia, Randolph now writes full-time at Microsoft Docs, still yelling at the screen. Occasional voice actor. Occasional blogger at bornsql.ca. Not to be trusted around chocolate. Yes, this is a short bio.

William Assaf (he/him) is a senior content developer for Microsoft, writing Learn content for SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, and more. A long-time Baton Rougean, William and his adventure buddy Christine moved to Seattle during the pandemic. They love their new home but are still New Orleans Saints fans. Before joining Microsoft, William was a Data Platform MVP, SQL Saturday and SQL community organizer, and a long-time DBA and data consultant. As a consultant for 13 years, he worked with clients across the U.S. on SQL Server and Azure SQL platform optimization, management, data integration, disaster recovery, and high availability, and led a multi-city team of senior consulting SQL DBAs. William has written for Microsoft SQL certification exams since 2011 and was the team lead author of the 2017 and 2019 editions of SQL Server Administration Inside Out by Microsoft Press.

Elizabeth Noble is a Director of Database Development, the author of Pro T-SQL 2019, and a Microsoft Data Platform MVP. Ze has spoken at several SQL Saturdays across the United States and at PASS Summit. Most of zir topics focus on DevOps, collaboration with other IT departments, and automated database deployments. Zir passion is to help others improve the quality and speed of deploying database changes through automation. When ze is not trying to automate all things, ze can be found spending time with zir dogs, playing disc golf, or paddleboarding (if the weather is right).

Meagan Longoria is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP living in Denver, Colorado. She is an experienced consultant and trainer who has worked with the Microsoft Data Platform for over 15 years. She enjoys creating solutions in Azure, SQL Server, and Power BI that make data useful for decision makers and make the lives of information workers a little bit easier. Meagan enjoys sharing her knowledge with the technical community by speaking at conferences, blogging (DataSavvy.me), and sharing tips and helpful links on Twitter (@mmarie).

Joseph D'Antoni is a Principal Consultant at Denny Cherry & Associates Consulting. He is recognized as a VMWare Expert and a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and has over 20 years of experience working in both Fortune 500 and smaller firms. He has worked extensively on database platforms and cloud technologies and has specific expertise in performance tuning, infrastructure, and disaster recovery.

Louis Davidson has over 20 years as a data architect and technical writer. Recently he joined Redgate as the editor of the Simple Talk website after 20-plus years working for a nonprofit, where he was the lead SQL Server architect and programmer. Louis has been the principal author on many technical books about SQL Server, including six editions of a book on database design. Louis' blog, located at simple-talk.com for many years, provides information about technical issues and upcoming presentations, including previewing the thought process that goes into writing presentations, books, and blogs.


Randolph West(他們)居住在加拿大亞伯達省的卡爾加里,與丈夫和兩隻狗一起生活。在成為顧問數千年後,Randolph現在全職在Microsoft Docs上寫作,仍然對著屏幕大聲喊叫。偶爾也是聲優。偶爾在bornsql.ca上寫博客。不要讓他接近巧克力。是的,這是一個簡短的個人簡介。

William Assaf(他)是Microsoft的高級內容開發人員,為SQL Server、Azure SQL Database、Azure Synapse Analytics等撰寫學習內容。作為長期居住在巴吞魯日的人,William和他的冒險夥伴Christine在疫情期間搬到了西雅圖。他們喜歡他們的新家,但仍然是新奧爾良聖徒隊的球迷。在加入Microsoft之前,William是一位數據平台MVP、SQL Saturday和SQL社區組織者,以及一位長期的數據庫管理員和數據顧問。作為一名顧問,他在美國各地的客戶上工作,進行SQL Server和Azure SQL平台的優化、管理、數據集成、災難恢復和高可用性,並帶領一支跨城市的高級顧問SQL DBA團隊。William自2011年起為Microsoft SQL認證考試撰寫文章,並擔任Microsoft Press的《SQL Server Administration Inside Out》2017年和2019年版本的團隊主要作者。

Elizabeth Noble是數據庫開發總監,也是《Pro T-SQL 2019》的作者和Microsoft Data Platform MVP。他曾在美國多個SQL Saturday和PASS Summit上發表演講。他的大部分主題都集中在DevOps、與其他IT部門的合作以及自動化數據庫部署上。他的熱情是通過自動化幫助他人提高部署數據庫變更的質量和速度。當他不試圖自動化所有事情時,他可以在和他的狗一起度過時間、打飛盤高爾夫或划水(如果天氣合適)。

Meagan Longoria是居住在科羅拉多州丹佛的Microsoft Data Platform MVP。她是一位經驗豐富的顧問和培訓師,已經在Microsoft Data Platform上工作超過15年。她喜歡在Azure、SQL Server和Power BI中創建解決方案,使數據對決策者有用,並使信息工作者的生活變得更輕鬆一些。Meagan通過在會議上發表演講、博客(DataSavvy.me)和在Twitter(@mmarie)上分享技巧和有用的鏈接來與技術社區分享她的知識。

Joseph D'Antoni是Denny Cherry & Associates Consulting的首席顧問。他被譽為VMWare專家和Microsoft Data Platform MVP,擁有超過20年的在財富500強和中小企業工作的經驗。他在數據庫平台和雲技術上有豐富的工作經驗,專長於性能調優、基礎設施和災難恢復。

Louis Davidson擁有超過20年的數據架構師和技術作家經驗。最近,他加入了Redgate,擔任Simple Talk網站的編輯,此前他在一家非營利組織工作了20多年,擔任首席SQL Server架構師和程序員。Louis是許多關於SQL Server的技術書籍的主要作者,包括六版關於數據庫設計的書籍。Louis的博客simple-talk.com多年來提供有關技術問題和即將舉行的演講的信息,包括預覽撰寫演講、書籍和博客的思維過程。