The Language of SQL, 3/e
暫譯: SQL 語言(第三版)

Larry Rockoff




The Language of SQL, Third Edition

Many SQL texts attempt to serve as an encyclopedic reference on SQL syntax--an approach that is often counterproductive, because that information is readily available in online references published by the major database vendors.

For SQL beginners, it's more important for a book to focus on general concepts and to offer clear explanations and examples of what various SQL statements can accomplish. This is that book.

A number of features make The Language of SQL unique among introductory SQL books.

First, you will not be required to download software or sit with a computer as you read the text. The intent of this book is to provide examples of SQL usage that can be understood simply by reading.

Second, topics are organized in an intuitive and logical sequence. SQL keywords are introduced one at a time, allowing you to grow your understanding as you encounter new terms and concepts.

Finally, this book covers the syntax of three widely used databases: Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, and Oracle. Special "Database Differences" sidebars clearly show you any differences in syntax among these three databases, and instructions are included on how to obtain and install free versions of the databases.

This is the only book you need to gain a quick working knowledge of SQL and relational databases.

Learn How To...

  • Use SQL to retrieve data from relational databases
  • Apply functions and calculations to data
  • Group and summarize data in a variety of useful ways
  • Use complex logic to retrieve only the data you need
  • Update data and create new tables
  • Design relational databases so that data retrieval is easy and intuitive
  • Use spreadsheets to transform your data into meaningful displays
  • Retrieve data from multiple tables via joins, subqueries, views, and set logic
  • Create, modify, and execute stored procedures
  • Install Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, or Oracle








最後,本書涵蓋了三種廣泛使用的資料庫的語法:Microsoft SQL Server、MySQL和Oracle。特別的「資料庫差異」側邊欄清楚顯示這三種資料庫之間的語法差異,並包含如何獲取和安裝免費版本資料庫的指示。



- 使用SQL從關聯資料庫檢索數據
- 對數據應用函數和計算
- 以多種有用的方式對數據進行分組和摘要
- 使用複雜邏輯僅檢索所需的數據
- 更新數據並創建新表
- 設計關聯資料庫,使數據檢索變得簡單直觀
- 使用電子表格將數據轉換為有意義的顯示
- 通過聯接、子查詢、視圖和集合邏輯從多個表中檢索數據
- 創建、修改和執行儲存過程
- 安裝Microsoft SQL Server、MySQL或Oracle


Larry Rockoff has been involved with SQL and business intelligence development for many

years. His main area of interest is in using reporting tools to explore and analyze data in

complex databases. He holds an MBA from the University of Chicago and a BFA from the

University of Illinois.


In addition to writing about SQL, he has also published books on Microsoft Excel and Access.

His latest editions of those texts are Exploring Data with Excel 2019 and Exploring Data with

Access 2019.


He also maintains a website that features book reviews on technology topics, as well as broader

issues regarding technology and society:


Please feel free to visit that site to contact the author with any comments or questions.


Larry Rockoff 在 SQL 和商業智慧開發方面有多年的經驗。他的主要興趣在於使用報告工具來探索和分析複雜的數據庫。他擁有芝加哥大學的 MBA 學位以及伊利諾伊大學的 BFA 學位。

除了撰寫有關 SQL 的書籍外,他還出版了關於 Microsoft Excel 和 Access 的書籍。他最新的書籍版本包括《Exploring Data with Excel 2019》和《Exploring Data with Access 2019》。
