Python Programming with Design Patterns
暫譯: 使用設計模式的 Python 程式設計
Cooper, James
- 出版商: Addison Wesley
- 出版日期: 2021-12-17
- 定價: $1,800
- 售價: 9.5 折 $1,710
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 352
- 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
- ISBN: 0137579934
- ISBN-13: 9780137579938
Python、程式語言、Design Pattern
Python 設計模式與開發實務 (Python Programming with Design Patterns) (繁中版)
Python 設計模式實戰 (Python Programming with Design Patterns) (簡中版)
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Improve Your Python Code with Modern Object-Oriented Design Patterns
To write clean, efficient, maintainable code, developers everywhere turn to design patterns. Now there's a Python-specific patterns guide that's friendly and practical enough for every Python developer, regardless of experience.
Best-selling patterns author James W. Cooper presents visual, example-driven explanations of 23 proven patterns for writing superior object-oriented code. Through clear and intuitive code samples, he introduces modern techniques for creating Python objects that interact effectively in powerful, flexible programs. Python newcomers--including those moving from other languages--will find a succinct introduction designed to get them up to speed fast.
Cooper's wide-ranging patterns coverage addresses abstract classes, multiple inheritance, GUI programming and widgets, graphical classes, drawing and plotting, math, databases, Python decorators, images, threads, iterators, creating executable code, and more. Throughout, his informal visual presentation makes patterns far easier to work with--so you can confidently build sophisticated programs that use Python's rich capabilities.
- Review the essentials of Python objects and visual programming
- Learn what design patterns are, and how they help you write better code
- Use creational patterns to enhance flexibility and avoid unnecessary complexity
- Apply structural patterns to ensure that program elements work together well in large programs
- Optimize communication between objects with behavioral patterns
**改善您的 Python 代碼,運用現代物件導向設計模式**
為了撰寫乾淨、高效且易於維護的代碼,開發者們普遍會使用設計模式。現在有一本專為 Python 設計的模式指南,對每位 Python 開發者來說都友好且實用,無論其經驗如何。
暢銷模式作者 James W. Cooper 提供了 23 種經過驗證的模式的視覺化、示例驅動的解釋,幫助您撰寫優越的物件導向代碼。通過清晰且直觀的代碼範例,他介紹了創建能夠在強大且靈活的程序中有效互動的 Python 物件的現代技術。對於 Python 新手,包括那些從其他語言轉換過來的人,這本書提供了一個簡明的介紹,旨在幫助他們快速上手。
Cooper 廣泛的模式涵蓋了抽象類別、多重繼承、GUI 程式設計和小工具、圖形類別、繪圖和繪製、數學、數據庫、Python 裝飾器、圖像、執行緒、迭代器、創建可執行代碼等主題。在整個過程中,他非正式的視覺呈現使得模式的使用變得更加容易,讓您能夠自信地構建利用 Python 豐富功能的複雜程序。
- 回顧 Python 物件和視覺程式設計的基本要素
- 了解什麼是設計模式,以及它們如何幫助您撰寫更好的代碼
- 使用創建模式來增強靈活性並避免不必要的複雜性
- 應用結構模式以確保程序元素在大型程序中良好協作
- 通過行為模式優化物件之間的通信
James W. Cooper holds a PhD in chemistry and worked in academia, for the scientific instrument industry, and for IBM for 25 years, primarily as a computer scientist at IBM's Thomas J. Watson Research Center. Now retired, he is the author of 20 books, including 3 on design patterns in various languages. His most recent books are Flameout: The Rise and Fall of IBM Instruments (2019) and Food Myths Debunked (2014).
James holds 11 patents and has written 60 columns for JavaPro Magazine. He has also written nearly 1,000 columns for the now vanished on foods and chemistry, and he currently writes his own blog: Recently, he has written columns on Python for and Substack.
He is also involved in local theater groups and is the treasurer for Troupers Light Opera, where he performs regularly.
詹姆斯·W·庫珀擁有化學博士學位,曾在學術界、科學儀器產業以及IBM工作25年,主要擔任IBM托馬斯·J·沃森研究中心的計算機科學家。現在已退休,他是20本書的作者,其中3本是關於各種語言的設計模式。他最近的著作包括《Flameout: The Rise and Fall of IBM Instruments》(2019年)和《Food Myths Debunked》(2014年)。
詹姆斯擁有11項專利,並為《JavaPro Magazine》撰寫了60篇專欄。他還為已經消失的Examiner.com撰寫了近1,000篇有關食品和化學的專欄,並且目前經營自己的部落格。最近,他為Medium.com和Substack撰寫了有關Python的專欄。
他還參與當地的劇團,並擔任Troupers Light Opera的財務主管,並定期參與演出。