Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 24 Hours, 7/e (Paperback)
暫譯: Sams 24 小時自學 SQL,第 7 版 (平裝本)

Stephens, Ryan


Includes Coverage of Oracle and Microsoft SQL Implementations

In just 24 lessons of one hour or less, SQL in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself, Seventh Edition, helps you use SQL to build effective databases, efficiently retrieve data, and manage everything from performance to security.

The straightforward, step-by-step approach shows you how to work with database structures, objects, queries, tables, and more. In just hours, you will be applying advanced techniques, including views, transactions, web connections, and powerful Oracle and SQL Server extensions. Every lesson builds on what you've already learned, giving you a rock-solid foundation for real-world success.

Step-by-step instructions carefully walk you through the most common SQL tasks.
Practical, hands-on examples show you how to apply what you learn.
Quizzes and exercises help you test your knowledge and stretch your skills.
Notes and tips point out shortcuts and solutions.

Learn how to...

  • Define efficient database structures and objects
  • "Normalize" raw databases into logically organized tables
  • Edit relational data and tables with DML
  • Manage transactions
  • Write effective, well-performing queries
  • Categorize, summarize, sort, group, and restructure data
  • Work with dates and times
  • Join tables in queries, use subqueries, and combine multiple queries
  • Master powerful query optimization techniques
  • Administer databases and manage users
  • Secure databases and protect data
  • Use views, synonyms, and the system catalog
  • Extend SQL to the enterprise and Internet
  • Master important Oracle and Microsoft extensions to ANSI SQL

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包含 Oracle 和 Microsoft SQL 實作的內容

在短短 24 課,每課一小時或更少的時間內,SQL in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself, 第七版,幫助您使用 SQL 建立有效的資料庫、高效檢索資料,並管理從性能到安全性的各個方面。

這種簡單明瞭的逐步方法向您展示如何處理資料庫結構、物件、查詢、表格等。在短短幾小時內,您將應用進階技術,包括視圖、交易、網路連接以及強大的 Oracle 和 SQL Server 擴展。每一課都建立在您已經學習的基礎上,為您在現實世界中的成功打下堅實的基礎。

逐步指導仔細引導您完成最常見的 SQL 任務。


- 定義有效的資料庫結構和物件
- 將原始資料庫「正規化」為邏輯組織的表格
- 使用 DML 編輯關聯資料和表格
- 管理交易
- 撰寫有效且性能良好的查詢
- 對資料進行分類、摘要、排序、分組和重組
- 處理日期和時間
- 在查詢中連接表格,使用子查詢,並結合多個查詢
- 精通強大的查詢優化技術
- 管理資料庫和用戶
- 確保資料庫安全並保護資料
- 使用視圖、同義詞和系統目錄
- 將 SQL 擴展到企業和互聯網
- 精通重要的 Oracle 和 Microsoft 擴展至 ANSI SQL

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Ryan Stephens is an entrepreneur who has built his career and multiple IT companies around SQL, data, and relational databases. He has shared his knowledge and experience with organizations, students, and IT professionals all over the world. Two of the companies he has co-founded, Perpetual Technologies, Inc. (PTI), and Indy Data Partners, have provided expert database and IT services to large-scale government and commercial clients for more than 25 years. Ryan has authored several books for Pearson, including Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 24 Hours, 6th Edition; some of his books have been translated and published internationally. Additionally, Ryan has worked for large organizations and has consulted within the areas of SQL, database design, database management, and project management. He designed and taught a database management program for Indiana University-Purdue University in Indianapolis and currently teaches online SQL and database classes for Pearson Education.



瑞安·史蒂芬斯是一位企業家,他的職業生涯和多家IT公司圍繞著SQL、數據和關聯數據庫建立。他與全球的組織、學生和IT專業人士分享了他的知識和經驗。他共同創辦的兩家公司,Perpetual Technologies, Inc. (PTI)和Indy Data Partners,已為大型政府和商業客戶提供專業的數據庫和IT服務超過25年。瑞安為Pearson出版了幾本書籍,包括Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 24 Hours第六版;他的部分書籍已被翻譯並在國際上出版。此外,瑞安曾在大型組織工作,並在SQL、數據庫設計、數據庫管理和專案管理等領域提供諮詢服務。他為印第安納大學-普渡大學印第安納波利斯校區設計並教授了一個數據庫管理課程,目前為Pearson Education教授線上SQL和數據庫課程。