Cisco Certified Devnet Professional Devcor 350-901 Official Cert Guide

Dahir, Hazim, Davis, Jason, Kallumpurath, Anwin

  • 出版商: Cisco Press
  • 出版日期: 2022-08-27
  • 定價: $2,600
  • 售價: 8.5$2,210 (限時優惠至 2024-10-31)
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 752
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 013737044X
  • ISBN-13: 9780137370443
  • 相關分類: Cisco
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=1)



Cisco Certified DevNet Professional DEVCOR 350-901 Official Cert Guide is the official, comprehensive self-study resource for the Cisco DEVCOR 350-901 exam: your pathway to the DevNet Professional - Developer Certification, demonstrating your knowledge of application development and automation on Cisco platforms. Authored by Cisco experts based on Cisco internal training, it clearly explains the value of each technique, presents realistic use cases, introduces solution components, illuminates their inner workings, presents field-proven examples from real large-scale networks, and shows how to apply what you have learned.

Designed for all Cisco DevNet Professional candidates, it covers every DEVCOR 350-901 objective concisely and logically, with extensive teaching features designed to promote retention and understanding. You will find:

  • Pre-chapter quizzes to assess knowledge upfront and focus your study more efficiently
  • Foundation topics sections that explain concepts and configurations, and link theory to practice
  • Key topics sections calling attention to every figure, table, and list you must know
  • Exam Preparation sections with additional chapter review features
  • Final preparation chapter providing tools and a complete final study plan
  • A customizable practice test library

This guide offers comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of all DEVCOR 350-901 topics related to:


  • Software development and design
  • Using APIs
  • Cisco platforms
  • Application deployment and security
  • Infrastructure and automation



《Cisco Certified DevNet Professional DEVCOR 350-901 官方認證指南》是Cisco DEVCOR 350-901考試的官方、全面的自學資源,是您成為DevNet專業開發人員認證的途徑,展示您在Cisco平台上應用開發和自動化方面的知識。本書由Cisco專家根據Cisco內部培訓撰寫,清楚解釋了每種技術的價值,提供了實際的使用案例,介紹了解決方案組件,闡明了其內部運作方式,並展示了來自真實大型網絡的經過驗證的示例,並展示如何應用所學知識。

本書適用於所有Cisco DevNet專業候選人,簡明扼要地涵蓋了DEVCOR 350-901的每個目標,並具有廣泛的教學功能,旨在促進記憶和理解。您將找到以下內容:

- 章前測驗,以評估知識並更有效地進行學習
- 基礎主題部分,解釋概念和配置,並將理論與實踐相結合
- 重點主題部分,強調您必須了解的每個圖表、表格和列表
- 考試準備部分,提供額外的章節回顧功能
- 最終準備章節,提供工具和完整的最終學習計劃
- 可自定義的練習測試庫

本指南全面、最新地涵蓋了與DEVCOR 350-901相關的所有主題,包括:

- 軟件開發和設計
- 使用API
- Cisco平台
- 應用部署和安全性
- 基礎設施和自動化