The Essential Guide to Telecommunications, 5/e (Paperback)
暫譯: 電信必備指南,第5版(平裝本)

Annabel Z. Dodd



“Annabel Dodd is a maestro when it comes to demystifying even the most complex telecommunications policies. She takes on the range of issues in the telecom world that shape how we learn, share information, conduct business, and enjoy entertainment. It’s an illuminating, accessible account that provides a much-needed primer for anyone interested in communications policy.”

—Congressman Edward J. Markey, Ranking Member Subcommittee on Telecommunications, Trade and Consumer Protection


“Annabel Dodd’s book is a clear guide and big picture view of technologies and industries. It is an up-to-date guide for anyone who wants to be familiar with important innovations and key technologies. This is truly an industry bible for mobile, Internet, and networking services.”

—Hiawatha Bray, technology reporter, Boston Globe 

A Completely Revised Bestseller with an Updated Industry Overview and New Coverage of Mobile Networks, LTE, Spectrum, Cloud Computing, and More!


The #1 Telecom Guide for Businesspeople and Nontechnical Professionals, Fully Updated for Cloud Services, Social Media, and Advanced Mobile Networks


Completely updated for the newest trends and technologies, The Essential Guide to Telecommunications, Fifth Edition, is the world’s top-selling nontechnical guide to today’s fast-changing telecommunications industry. More than 170,000 copies of previous editions are in print, and this indispensible resource has been translated into nine languages.


Writing in plain language, Dodd demystifies today’s most significant technologies, standards, and architectures. She introduces the industry-leading providers worldwide, explains where they fit in a fast-changing marketplace, and presents their key strategies. Coverage includes 

  • Assessing the massive business and technical implications of the cloud computing revolution
  • How traffic from ubiquitous tools like Skype, Facebook, and smartphones are transforming networks
  • Understanding recent radical changes in data centers
  • How mobile carriers are balancing performance and cost in timing 4G upgrades
  • How new concerns about regulation, security, and privacy are reshaping the industry 

This indispensable guide provides everything you need to know about telecommunications now—whether you’re a salesperson, marketer, investor, or customer.



“安娜貝爾·多德(Annabel Dodd)在揭開即使是最複雜的電信政策的神秘面紗方面可謂是一位大師。她探討了電信世界中的各種議題,這些議題塑造了我們學習、分享資訊、進行商業活動和享受娛樂的方式。這是一部啟發性且易於理解的著作,為任何對通訊政策感興趣的人提供了急需的入門指南。”

—國會議員愛德華·J·馬基(Edward J. Markey),電信、貿易與消費者保護小組委員會排名成員



—海瓦薇·布雷(Hiawatha Bray),技術記者, 波士頓環球報





《電信必備指南(第五版)》(The Essential Guide to Telecommunications, Fifth Edition,)完全更新了最新的趨勢和技術,是當今快速變化的電信行業中全球最暢銷的非技術性指南。之前版本的印刷量超過170,000本,這本不可或缺的資源已被翻譯成九種語言。



  • 評估雲計算革命的巨大商業和技術影響

  • 像Skype、Facebook和智能手機等無處不在的工具如何改變網絡流量

  • 理解數據中心最近的劇變

  • 移動運營商如何在4G升級的時機上平衡性能和成本

  • 新出現的監管、安全和隱私問題如何重塑行業
