Petroleum Production Systems, 2/e (Hardcover)

Michael J. Economides, A. Daniel Hill, Christine Ehlig-Economides, Ding Zhu



The Definitive Guide to Petroleum Production Systems–Now Fully Updated With the Industry’s Most Valuable New Techniques


Petroleum Production Systems, Second Edition, is the comprehensive source for clear and fundamental methods for about modern petroleum production engineering practice. Written by four leading experts, it thoroughly introduces modern principles of petroleum production systems design and operation, fully considering the combined behavior of reservoirs, surface equipment, pipeline systems, and storage facilities. Long considered the definitive text for production engineers, this edition adds extensive new coverage of hydraulic fracturing, with emphasis on well productivity optimization. It presents new chapters on horizontal wells and well performance evaluation, including production data analysis and sand management.


This edition features

  • A structured approach spanning classical production engineering, well testing, production logging, artificial lift, and matrix and hydraulic fracture stimulation
  • Revisions throughout to reflect recent innovations and extensive feedback from both students and colleagues
  • Detailed coverage of modern best practices and their rationales
  • Unconventional oil and gas well design
  • Many new examples and problems
  • Detailed data sets for three characteristic reservoir types: an undersaturated oil reservoir, a saturated oil reservoir, and a gas reservoir





- 結構化方法,涵蓋傳統生產工程、井測試、生產記錄、人工提升和矩陣和水力壓裂刺激
- 根據學生和同事的廣泛反饋進行的修訂,以反映最新創新
- 詳細介紹現代最佳實踐及其原理
- 非傳統油氣井設計
- 許多新的例子和問題
- 三種典型油藏類型的詳細數據集:低飽和度油藏、飽和度油藏和氣藏