Sams Teach Yourself Coding with Roblox Lua in 24 Hours: The Official Roblox Guide (Paperback)
暫譯: Sams 24 小時自學 Roblox Lua 編程:官方 Roblox 指南 (平裝本)
Roblox Corporation
$825R Cookbook (Paperback)
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In just 24 lessons of one hour or less, Roblox Lua in 24 Hours: The Official Roblox Guide helps you learn all the skills and techniques you'll need to code your own Roblox games. Perfect for beginners, each short and easy lesson builds upon everything that's come before, helping you quickly master the essentials of Lua programming.
- Step-by-step instructions walk you through common questions, issues, and tasks
- Q&As, Quizzes, and Exercises build and test your knowledge
- "Did You Know?" tips offer insider advice and shortcuts
- "Watch Out!" alerts help you avoid pitfalls
Roblox Lua in 24 Hours covers all this, and much more:
- Start at the beginning with properties, variables, functions, if/then statements, and loops
- Organize information using arrays and dictionaries
- Work with in-game events to make things move, explode, or whatever you can imagine
- Keep your code manageable with abstractions and object-oriented programming
- Make sure your game plays well on multiple platforms such as phones, tablets, and computers
- Earn Robux by monetizing your game
在短短24堂每堂一小時或更少的課程中,Roblox Lua in 24 Hours: The Official Roblox Guide幫助你學習編寫自己Roblox遊戲所需的所有技能和技術。這本書非常適合初學者,每一堂短小易懂的課程都建立在之前的內容之上,幫助你快速掌握Lua程式設計的基本要素。
逐步指導引導你解決常見問題、挑戰和任務 -
問答、測驗和練習幫助你建立和測試知識 -
「你知道嗎?」提示提供內部建議和捷徑 -
Roblox Lua in 24 Hours涵蓋了所有這些內容,以及更多:
- 從屬性、變數、函數、if/then語句和迴圈開始學習
- 使用陣列和字典組織資訊
- 處理遊戲內事件,使物體移動、爆炸或實現你所能想像的任何效果
- 通過抽象和物件導向程式設計保持代碼的可管理性
- 確保你的遊戲在手機、平板電腦和電腦等多個平台上運行良好
- 通過將遊戲貨幣化來賺取Robux
Roblox's mission is to bring the world together through play. Roblox enables anyone to imagine, create, and have fun with friends as they explore millions of immersive 3D experiences, all built by a global community of developers. Roblox is powered by a global community of over two million developers who produce their own immersive multiplayer experiences using Roblox Studio, Roblox's intuitive desktop design tool. Roblox is ranked as one of the top online entertainment platforms for audiences under the age of 18 based on average monthly visits and time spent (ComScore).
Roblox的使命是透過遊戲將世界聚集在一起。Roblox使任何人都能夠想像、創造,並與朋友一起享受探索數百萬個沉浸式3D體驗的樂趣,這些體驗都是由全球的開發者社群所建構。Roblox由超過兩百萬名開發者的全球社群提供支持,他們使用Roblox Studio這個直觀的桌面設計工具來製作自己的沉浸式多人遊戲體驗。根據平均每月訪問量和停留時間(ComScore),Roblox被評為18歲以下觀眾的頂級在線娛樂平台之一。