Exam Ref Da-100 Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power Bi
暫譯: 考試參考 DA-100 使用 Microsoft Power BI 進行數據分析
Maslyuk, Daniil
Prepare for Microsoft Exam DA-100--and help demonstrate your real-world mastery of Power BI data analysis and visualization. Designed for experienced data analytics professionals ready to advance their status, Exam Ref focuses on the critical thinking and decision-making acumen needed for success at the Microsoft Certified Associate level.
Focus on the expertise measured by these objectives:
- Prepare the data
- Model the data
- Visualize the data
- Analyze the data
- Deploy and maintain deliverables
This Microsoft Exam Ref:
- Organizes its coverage by exam objectives
- Features strategic, what-if scenarios to challenge you
- Assumes you are an experienced business intelligence professional or data analyst, or have a similar role
Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power BI About the Exam
Exam DA-100 focuses on skills and knowledge needed to acquire, profile, clean, transform, and load data; design and develop data models; create measures with DAX; optimize model performance; create reports and dashboards; enrich reports for usability; enhance reports to expose insights; perform advanced analysis; manage datasets, and create and manage workspaces.
About Microsoft Certification
Passing this exam earns your Microsoft Certified: Data Analyst Associate certification, demonstrating your ability to help businesses maximize the value of data assets by using Microsoft Power BI.
As subject matter experts, Data Analysts design and build scalable data models, clean and transform data, and enable advanced analytic capabilities that provide meaningful business value through easy-to-comprehend data visualizations.
See full details at: microsoft.com/learn
準備 Microsoft 考試 DA-100 -- 並幫助展示您在 Power BI 數據分析和可視化方面的實際掌握。此考試參考書專為準備提升職位的經驗豐富的數據分析專業人士設計,重點在於成功通過 Microsoft 認證助理級別所需的批判性思維和決策能力。
- 準備數據
- 建模數據
- 可視化數據
- 分析數據
- 部署和維護交付物
這本 Microsoft 考試參考書:
- 按考試目標組織內容
- 提供戰略性、假設情境以挑戰您
- 假設您是一位經驗豐富的商業智慧專業人士或數據分析師,或擁有類似角色
使用 Microsoft Power BI 分析數據 考試概述
考試 DA-100 專注於獲取、分析、清理、轉換和加載數據所需的技能和知識;設計和開發數據模型;使用 DAX 創建度量;優化模型性能;創建報告和儀表板;豐富報告以提高可用性;增強報告以揭示見解;執行高級分析;管理數據集,以及創建和管理工作區。
關於 Microsoft 認證
通過此考試可獲得 Microsoft 認證:數據分析師助理證書,展示您幫助企業最大化數據資產價值的能力,使用 Microsoft Power BI。
DANIIL MASLYUK is an independent business intelligence consultant, trainer, and speaker who specializes in Microsoft Power BI. Daniil blogs at xxlbi.com and tweets as @DMaslyuk.
丹尼爾·馬斯柳克(DANIIL MASLYUK)是一位獨立的商業智慧顧問、培訓師和演講者,專注於 Microsoft Power BI。丹尼爾在 xxlbi.com 上撰寫部落格,並在 Twitter 上以 @DMaslyuk 為名發表推文。