Network Security: Private Communication in a Public World (Hardcover)
暫譯: 網路安全:公共世界中的私密通訊 (精裝版)
Kaufman, Charlie, Perlman, Radia, Speciner, Mike
- 出版商: Addison Wesley
- 出版日期: 2022-09-26
- 定價: $2,680
- 售價: 9.5 折 $2,546
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 900
- 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
- ISBN: 0136643604
- ISBN-13: 9780136643609
網絡安全:公眾世界中的秘密通信(原書第3版) (簡中版)
立即出貨 (庫存 < 3)
The classic guide to cryptography and network security - now fully updated!
"Alice and Bob are back!"
Widely regarded as the most comprehensive yet comprehensible guide to network security and cryptography, the previous editions of Network Security received critical acclaim for lucid and witty explanations of the inner workings of cryptography and network security protocols. In this edition, the authors have significantly updated and revised the previous content, and added new topics that have become important.
This book explains sophisticated concepts in a friendly and intuitive manner. For protocol standards, it explains the various constraints and committee decisions that led to the current designs. For cryptographic algorithms, it explains the intuition behind the designs, as well as the types of attacks the algorithms are designed to avoid. It explains implementation techniques that can cause vulnerabilities even if the cryptography itself is sound. Homework problems deepen your understanding of concepts and technologies, and an updated glossary demystifies the field's jargon. Network Security, Third Edition will appeal to a wide range of professionals, from those who design and evaluate security systems to system administrators and programmers who want a better understanding of this important field. It can also be used as a textbook at the graduate or advanced undergraduate level.
Coverage includes
- Network security protocol and cryptography basics
- Design considerations and techniques for secret key and hash algorithms (AES, DES, SHA-1, SHA-2, SHA-3)
- First-generation public key algorithms (RSA, Diffie-Hellman, ECC)
- How quantum computers work, and why they threaten the first-generation public key algorithms
- Multi-factor authentication of people
- Real-time communication (SSL/TLS, SSH, IPsec)
- New applications (electronic money, blockchains)
- New cryptographic techniques (homomorphic encryption, secure multiparty computation)
經典的密碼學與網路安全指南 - 現已全面更新!
- 網路安全協議和密碼學基礎
- 秘密金鑰和雜湊演算法的設計考量和技術(AES、DES、SHA-1、SHA-2、SHA-3)
- 第一代公鑰演算法(RSA、Diffie-Hellman、ECC)
- 量子電腦的運作方式,以及它們為何威脅第一代公鑰演算法
- 多因素身份驗證
- 實時通訊(SSL/TLS、SSH、IPsec)
- 新應用(電子貨幣、區塊鏈)
- 新的密碼技術(同態加密、安全多方計算)
Charlie Kaufman is currently Security Architect for Dell Storage Systems. Previously, he was the Security Architect for Microsoft Azure and before that for Lotus Notes. He has contributed to a number of IETF standards efforts including IPsec, S/MIME, and DNSSEC and served as a member of the Internet Architecture Board. He served on the National Academy of Sciences expert panel that wrote the book Trust In Cyberspace.
Radia Perlman is currently a Fellow at Dell Technologies. She is known for her contributions to bridging (spanning tree algorithm), routing (link state routing), and security (distributed systems robust despite malicious participants). She's the author of Interconnections: Bridges, Routers, Switches, and Internetworking Protocol. She's been elected to the National Academy of Engineering, the National Inventors Hall of Fame, the Internet Hall of Fame, and awarded lifetime achievement awards from Usenix and ACM's SIGCOMM. She has a PhD in computer science from MIT.
Mike Speciner is an MIT-trained technologist with expertise in mathematics, physics, and computer science. He currently serves as CTO and cofounder of The Singing Torah. His hobby is writing software for educational purposes in various common and obscure programming languages.
Ray Perlner is a Mathematician in the Cryptographic Technology Group of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. He has over a dozen research papers focusing primarily on post-quantum cryptography. He has degrees in both physics and mathematics from MIT.
查理·考夫曼 目前是戴爾儲存系統的安全架構師。之前,他曾擔任微軟 Azure 的安全架構師,更早之前則是 Lotus Notes 的安全架構師。他參與了多項 IETF 標準的制定,包括 IPsec、S/MIME 和 DNSSEC,並曾擔任互聯網架構委員會的成員。他還參加了美國國家科學院的專家小組,撰寫了書籍 網路空間中的信任。
拉迪亞·珀爾曼 目前是戴爾科技的研究員。她因在橋接(生成樹演算法)、路由(鏈路狀態路由)和安全性(即使有惡意參與者也能保持穩健的分散式系統)方面的貢獻而聞名。她是 互連:橋接、路由器、交換機與網際網路協定 的作者。她被選為美國國家工程院、全國發明家名人堂、互聯網名人堂的成員,並獲得 Usenix 和 ACM 的 SIGCOMM 終身成就獎。她擁有麻省理工學院的計算機科學博士學位。
邁克·斯佩西納 是一位受過麻省理工學院訓練的技術專家,專長於數學、物理和計算機科學。他目前擔任 The Singing Torah 的首席技術官和共同創辦人。他的興趣是為各種常見和冷門的程式語言編寫教育用途的軟體。
雷·珀爾納 是美國國家標準與技術研究院加密技術組的數學家。他發表了十多篇主要集中於後量子密碼學的研究論文。他擁有麻省理工學院的物理學和數學學位。