Advance your proficiency with Word. And earn the credential that proves it Demonstrate your expertise with Microsoft Word Designed to help you practice and prepare for Microsoft Office Specialist: Word Associate (Word and Word 2019) certification, this official Study Guide delivers: - In-depth preparation for each MOS objective - Detailed procedures to help build the skills measured by the exam - Hands-on tasks to practice what you've learned - Ready-made practice files Sharpen the skills measured by these objectives: - Manage Documents - Insert and Format Text, Paragraphs, and Sections - Manage Tables and Lists - Create and Manage References - Insert and Format Graphic Elements EXAM MO-100 About the MOS: Associate Certification A Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS): Associate certification validates your hands-on competency in the correct application of the principal features of an Office product. It demonstrates that you can apply these features to complete associate-level tasks independently and are ready to enter the job market. See full details at: microsoft.com/learn Practice Files Available at: MicrosoftPressStore.com/MOSWord100/Downloads
提升您在 Word 的熟練度,並獲得證明您能力的認證
展示您在 Microsoft Word 的專業知識。本官方學習指南旨在幫助您練習並準備 Microsoft Office Specialist: Word Associate (Word 和 Word 2019) 認證,提供以下內容:
- 針對每個 MOS 目標的深入準備
- 詳細的步驟幫助您建立考試所測量的技能
- 實作任務以練習您所學的內容
- 現成的練習檔案
- 管理文件
- 插入和格式化文字、段落和區段
- 管理表格和清單
- 創建和管理參考資料
- 插入和格式化圖形元素
考試 MO-100
關於 MOS: Associate 認證
Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS): Associate 認證驗證您在正確應用 Office 產品主要功能方面的實作能力。它證明您能夠獨立應用這些功能來完成助理級別的任務,並準備好進入職場。
Joan Lambert is a training and certification specialist who has worked closely with Microsoft technologies since 1986, authored over 50 books about Windows and Office, and holds multiple Microsoft certifications.
Joan Lambert 是一位培訓和認證專家,自1986年以來一直與微軟技術密切合作,撰寫了超過50本有關Windows和Office的書籍,並持有多項微軟認證。