Managing Technical Debt: Reducing Friction in Software Development
暫譯: 管理技術負債:減少軟體開發中的摩擦
Kruchten, Philippe, Nord, Robert, Ozkaya, Ipek
- 出版商: Addison Wesley
- 出版日期: 2019-06-06
- 定價: $1,600
- 售價: 8.0 折 $1,280
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 272
- 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
- ISBN: 013564593X
- ISBN-13: 9780135645932
Engineer self-growth
管理技術債 (Managing Technical Debt) (繁中版)
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"This is an incredibly wise and useful book. The authors have considerable real-world experience in delivering quality systems that matter, and their expertise shines through in these pages. Here you will learn what technical debt is, what is it not, how to manage it, and how to pay it down in responsible ways. This is a book I wish I had when I was just beginning my career. The authors present a myriad of case studies, born from years of experience, and offer a multitude of actionable insights for how to apply it to your project."
-Grady Booch, IBM Fellow
Master Best Practices for Managing Technical Debt to Promote Software Quality and Productivity
As software systems mature, earlier design or code decisions made in the context of budget or schedule constraints increasingly impede evolution and innovation. This phenomenon is called technical debt, and practical solutions exist. In Managing Technical Debt, three leading experts introduce integrated, empirically developed principles and practices that any software professional can use to gain control of technical debt in any software system. Using real-life examples, the authors explain the forms of technical debt that afflict software-intensive systems, their root causes, and their impacts. They introduce proven approaches for identifying and assessing specific sources of technical debt, limiting new debt, and "paying off" debt over time. They describe how to establish managing technical debt as a core software engineering practice in your organization.
- Discover how technical debt damages manageability, quality, productivity, and morale-and what you can do about it
- Clarify root causes of debt, including the linked roles of business goals, source code, architecture, testing, and infrastructure
- Identify technical debt items, and analyze their costs so you can prioritize action
- Choose the right solution for each technical debt item: eliminate, reduce, or mitigate
- Integrate software engineering practices that minimize new debt
Managing Technical Debt will be a valuable resource for every software professional who wants to accelerate innovation in existing systems, or build new systems that will be easier to maintain and evolve.
-Grady Booch, IBM Fellow
- 了解技術負債如何損害可管理性、質量、生產力和士氣,以及您可以採取的措施
- 澄清負債的根本原因,包括業務目標、源代碼、架構、測試和基礎設施之間的聯繫角色
- 識別技術負債項目,並分析其成本,以便您可以優先採取行動
- 為每個技術負債項目選擇合適的解決方案:消除、減少或緩解
- 整合最小化新負債的軟體工程實踐
菲利普·克魯赫滕是加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞大學的軟體工程教授。他於2004年進入學術界,此前在業界擁有30年的職業生涯,主要從事大型軟體密集系統設計,涵蓋電信、國防、航空航天和交通運輸等領域。他在軟體開發方面的一些經驗體現在理性統一過程(Rational Unified Process, RUP)中,他自1995年至2003年負責該過程的開發。他是Rational Unified Process: An Introduction(Addison-Wesley, 1998)、RUP Made Easy: A Practitioner's Guide(Addison-Wesley, 2003)和Software Engineering with UPEDU(Addison-Wesley, 2003)的作者或合著者,並且還曾撰寫過有關Pascal和Ada編程的早期書籍。他於1986年獲得資訊系統博士學位,1975年獲得機械工程學位,均來自法國的工程學校。
羅伯特·諾德是卡內基梅隆大學軟體工程研究所的首席研究員,他致力於開發和傳播有效的方法和實踐,以實現大規模敏捷開發、軟體架構以及管理技術負債。他是面向實務的書籍Applied Software Architecture(Addison-Wesley, 2000)和Documenting Software Architectures: Views and Beyond(Addison-Wesley, 2011)的合著者,並且講授以架構為中心的方法。他獲得了卡內基梅隆大學的計算機科學博士學位,並且是ACM的傑出會員。
伊佩克·奧茲卡亞是卡內基梅隆大學軟體工程研究所的首席研究員。她的主要工作包括開發提高軟體開發效率和系統演進的技術,重點在於軟體架構實踐、軟體經濟學、敏捷開發以及在複雜的大型軟體密集系統中管理技術負債。此外,作為她職責的一部分,她與政府和行業組織合作,以改善其軟體架構實踐。她獲得了卡內基梅隆大學的計算設計博士學位。奧茲卡亞是IEEE的資深會員,並擔任IEEE Software雜誌的2019至2021年主編。