Intro to Python for Computer Science and Data Science: Learning to Program with AI, Big Data and The Cloud (美國原版)
暫譯: 計算機科學與數據科學的 Python 入門:學習使用 AI、大數據與雲端編程

Paul J. Deitel, Harvey Deitel




 For introductory-level Python programming and/or data-science courses.


A groundbreaking, flexible approach to computer science and data science

The Deitels’ Introduction to Python for Computer Science and Data Science: Learning to Program with AI, Big Data and the Cloud offers a unique approach to teaching introductory Python programming, appropriate for both computer-science and data-science audiences. Providing the most current coverage of topics and applications, the book is paired with extensive traditional supplements as well as Jupyter Notebooks supplements. Real-world datasets and artificial-intelligence technologies allow students to work on projects making a difference in business, industry, government and academia. Hundreds of examples, exercises, projects (EEPs), and implementation case studies give students an engaging, challenging and entertaining introduction to Python programming and hands-on data science.


The book's modular architecture enables instructors to conveniently adapt the text to a wide range of computer-science and data-science courses offered to audiences drawn from many majors. Computer-science instructors can integrate as much or as little data-science and artificial-intelligence topics as they'd like, and data-science instructors can integrate as much or as little Python as they'd like. The book aligns with the latest ACM/IEEE CS-and-related computing curriculum initiatives and with the Data Science Undergraduate Curriculum Proposal sponsored by the National Science Foundation.





 適用於入門級的 Python 程式設計和/或資料科學課程。



Deitel 的 計算機科學與資料科學的 Python 入門:學習使用 AI、大數據和雲端程式設計 提供了一種獨特的入門 Python 程式設計教學方法,適合計算機科學和資料科學的受眾。該書提供了最新的主題和應用涵蓋,並配有廣泛的傳統補充材料以及 Jupyter Notebooks 補充材料。真實的數據集和人工智慧技術使學生能夠參與對商業、工業、政府和學術界產生影響的專案。數百個範例、練習、專案(EEPs)和實作案例研究為學生提供了一個引人入勝、具挑戰性且有趣的 Python 程式設計和實作資料科學的入門。


本書的模組化架構使得教師能夠方便地調整文本,以適應來自多個專業的計算機科學和資料科學課程。計算機科學教師可以根據需要整合任意多或少的資料科學和人工智慧主題,而資料科學教師則可以根據需要整合任意多或少的 Python。本書與最新的 ACM/IEEE 計算機科學及相關計算課程倡議以及由國家科學基金會贊助的資料科學本科課程提案相一致。