Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, 4/e (Paperback) (Android 程式設計:大宅男牧場指南(第4版))

Phillips, Bill, Stewart, Chris, Marsicano, Kristin




Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide is an introductory Android book for programmers with Java experience.
Based on Big Nerd Ranch's popular Android Bootcamp, this guide will lead you through the wilderness using hands-on example apps combined with clear explanations of key concepts and APIs. This book focuses on practical techniques for developing apps compatible with Android Oreo and Android "P."
Write and run code every step of the way, using Android Studio to create apps that integrate with other apps, download and display pictures from the web, play sounds, and more. Each chapter and app has been designed and tested to provide the knowledge and experience you need to get started in Android development.


《Android程式設計:Big Nerd Ranch指南》是一本針對具有Java經驗的程式設計師的入門Android書籍。
本書基於Big Nerd Ranch熱門的Android訓練營,結合實際範例應用和清晰的概念和API解釋,引導讀者踏上這片未知領域。本書專注於開發與Android Oreo和Android "P"兼容的實用技術。
透過使用Android Studio進行代碼編寫和執行,讀者將學習創建與其他應用程式整合、從網絡下載和顯示圖片、播放聲音等功能的應用程式。每個章節和應用程式都經過設計和測試,以提供讀者在Android開發方面所需的知識和經驗,幫助他們入門。