Engineering Software Products: An Introduction to Modern Software Engineering (Paperback) (工程軟體產品:現代軟體工程導論)

Sommerville, Ian




For one-semester courses in software engineering.



Introduces software engineering techniques for developing software products and apps


With Engineering Software Products, author Ian Sommerville takes a unique approach to teaching software engineering and focuses on the type of software products and apps that are familiar to students, rather than focusing on project-based techniques. Written in an informal style, this book focuses on software engineering techniques that are relevant for software product engineering. Topics covered include personas and scenarios, cloud-based software, microservices, security and privacy and DevOps. The text is designed for students taking their first course in software engineering with experience in programming using a modern programming language such as Java, Python or Ruby.





「在《Engineering Software Products》一書中,作者Ian Sommerville採用了獨特的教學方法,專注於學生熟悉的軟體產品和應用程式,而非專注於基於專案的技術。這本書以輕鬆的風格撰寫,專注於與軟體產品工程相關的軟體工程技術。涵蓋的主題包括人物角色和情境、基於雲端的軟體、微服務、安全和隱私以及DevOps。本書適用於首次修讀軟體工程課程的學生,並具備使用現代程式語言(如Java、Python或Ruby)進行程式設計的經驗。」


Ian Sommerville is Emeritus Professor of Computer Science at St Andrews University, Scotland. He has a BSc in Physics from Strathclyde University and MSc and PhD degrees in Computer Science from St Andrews University. He has been a full Professor of Computer Science since 1986 firstly, at Lancaster University, and, subsequently, at St Andrews University. He has written several software engineering textbooks, including 'Software Engineering', now in its 10th edition, which has been in print since 1982. In 2011, he was awarded both the IEEE TCSE Distinguished Educator award and the ACM SIGSOFT Influential Educator award. He wrote his first computer program in 1970 and, almost 50 years later, still enjoys programming.




Ian Sommerville是蘇格蘭聖安德魯斯大學(St Andrews University)的計算機科學名譽教授。他在斯特拉斯克萊德大學(Strathclyde University)獲得物理學學士學位,並在聖安德魯斯大學獲得計算機科學的碩士和博士學位。自1986年以來,他一直是計算機科學的正教授,先在蘭卡斯特大學(Lancaster University),後來在聖安德魯斯大學。他撰寫了多本軟體工程教科書,包括自1982年以來一直出版的第10版《軟體工程》。2011年,他獲得了IEEE TCSE傑出教育家獎和ACM SIGSOFT有影響力的教育家獎。他在1970年寫下了他的第一個電腦程式,近50年後,他仍然喜歡編程。