Globalization and Diversity: Geography of a Changing World, Loose-Leaf Edition
暫譯: 全球化與多樣性:變遷中的世界地理,散裝版
Price, Marie, Rowntree, Lester, Lewis, Martin
- 出版商: Pearson FT Press
- 出版日期: 2019-01-25
- 售價: $5,190
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $4,931
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 576
- 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
- ISBN: 0135203872
- ISBN-13: 9780135203873
For courses in world regional geography. Empower students to address global issues Globalization and Diversity: Geography of a Changing World incorporates a contemporary, thematic approach to introduce the latest ideas and concepts in world regional geography. The text provides students with the core materials for developing a strong foundation in the fundamentals of world regions and a strong sense of place for an understanding of the connections within and between world regions. With a focus on the environment and globalization, the text's arresting visual layout and updated content combine to give students an accurate portrayal of the world's evolving regional landscapes. The 6th Edition encourages students to explore the sights, sounds, and tastes of world regions with embedded links to interactive, digital resources that offer insight into world regional geography through explorations of space, language, music, and cooking traditions. The new edition also shows how geographic tools improve the human condition when facing timely challenges such as natural disasters, disease outbreaks, crisis and humanitarian mapping, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Deeper mobile integration enables instructors to use web maps, video tours, and geoscience animations to enhance students' virtual, active learning experience.
Also available with Mastering Geography By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, Mastering personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student.Built for, and directly tied to the text, Mastering Geography enables students to get hands on with geospatial tools and activities to practice, learn, and apply geography outside of the classroom. If you would like to purchase both the loose-leaf version of the text and Mastering Geography, search for: 0135198674 / 9780135198674 Globalization and Diversity: Geography of a Changing World, Loose-Leaf Plus Mastering Geography with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of:
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適用於世界區域地理課程。 使學生能夠應對全球議題 全球化與多樣性:變化中的世界地理 採用當代主題式的方法,介紹世界區域地理中的最新觀念和概念。該文本為學生提供了建立世界區域基礎知識的核心材料,並增強對世界區域內部及之間聯繫的理解。該文本專注於環境和全球化,吸引人的視覺佈局和更新的內容結合在一起,為學生提供了世界不斷演變的區域景觀的準確描繪。 第6版鼓勵學生探索世界區域的視覺、聲音和味道,並嵌入互動數位資源的連結,通過空間、語言、音樂和烹飪傳統的探索,提供對世界區域地理的深入見解。新版本還展示了地理工具如何在面對自然災害、疾病爆發、危機和人道主義地圖製作以及可持續發展目標(SDGs)等及時挑戰時改善人類狀況。更深層的行動整合使講師能夠使用網路地圖、視頻導覽和地球科學動畫來增強學生的虛擬主動學習體驗。
也可搭配 Mastering Geography 使用 通過將受信賴的作者內容與數位工具和靈活的平台結合,Mastering 個性化學習體驗並改善每位學生的學習成果。Mastering Geography 專為該文本設計,並與之直接相關,使學生能夠親自使用地理空間工具和活動,在課堂外練習、學習和應用地理。 如果您想同時購買活頁版本的教材和 Mastering Geography,請搜尋: 0135198674 / 9780135198674 全球化與多樣性:變化中的世界地理,活頁版加 Mastering Geography 及 Pearson eText -- 學習卡包 套件包括:
Martin Lewis is a Senior Lecturer in History at Stanford University, where he teaches courses on global geography. He has conducted extensive research on environmental geography in the Philippines and on the intellectual history of world geography. His publications include Wagering the Land: Ritual, Capital, and Environmental Degradation in the Cordillera of Northern Luzon, 1900--1986 (1992), and, with Karen Wigen, The Myth of Continents: A Critique of Metageography (1997). Dr. Lewis has traveled extensively in East, South, and Southeastern Asia. His most recent book, co-written with Asya Pereltsvaig, is The Indo-European Controversy: Facts and Fallacies in Historical Linguistics (2015). In April 2009, Dr. Lewis was recognized by Time magazine as one of American's most favorite lecturers. William Wyckoff is a geographer in the Department of Earth Sciences at Montana State University specializing in the cultural and historical geography of North America. He has written and co-edited several books on North American settlement geography, including The Developer's Frontier: The Making of the Western New York Landscape (1988), The Mountainous West: Explorations in Historical Geography (1995) (with Lary M. Dilsaver), Creating Colorado: The Making of a Western American Landscape 1860--1940 (1999), and On the Road Again: Montana's Changing Landscape (2006). His most recent book, entitled How to Read the American West: A Field Guide, appeared in the Weyerhaeuser Environmental Books series and was published in 2014 by the University of Washington Press. A World Regional Geography instructor for 26 years, Dr. Wyckoff emphasizes in the classroom the connections between the everyday lives of his students and the larger global geographies that surround them and increasingly shape their future. Wesley Reisser is an adjunct professor of Geography at the George Washington University specializing in political geography and energy. Since 2003, Dr. Reisser has served at the U.S. Department of State in a variety of positions working on human rights, the United Nations, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and responding to crisis situations abroad. Dr. Reisser's first book, The Black Book: Woodrow Wilson's Secret Plan for Peace, is the only comprehensive analysis of the maps and plans used by the United States at the end of World War I. His second book, written with his brother Colin, is Energy Resources: From Science to Society, the first interdisciplinary textbook on global energy issues. Dr. Reisser is a Councilor of the American Geographical Society, the founding Artistic Director of Washington, DC's central and eastern European Carpathia Folk Dance Ensemble, and is the 2007 World Geography Bowl MVP.
**瑪莉·普賽(Marie Price)**是喬治·華盛頓大學地理與國際事務的教授。作為拉丁美洲專家,普賽博士曾在貝里斯、墨西哥、委內瑞拉、巴拿馬、古巴和玻利維亞進行研究。她也曾廣泛旅行於拉丁美洲和撒哈拉以南非洲。她的研究探討了人類遷移、自然資源使用、環境保護和可持續性。她是美國地理學會的會長,也是移民政策研究所的非駐地研究員,該所是一個專注於移民問題的非黨派智庫。普賽博士在《全球化與多樣性(Globalization and Diversity)》中帶來了對於地區作為動態空間構造的特殊興趣,這些構造隨著時間的推移受到全球和地方力量的影響。她的出版物包括合編的書籍《移民與大都市:移民門戶城市的崛起(Migrants to the Metropolis: The Rise of Immigrant Gateway Cities)》(2008)以及多篇學術文章和書章。
**萊斯·羅恩特里(Les Rowntree)**目前是加州大學伯克利分校的研究助理,專注於全球和地方環境問題的寫作。這一職業轉變是在他於聖荷西州立大學教授地理和環境研究35年後進行的。作為一名環境地理學家,羅恩特里博士的興趣集中在國際環境問題、生物多樣性保護和氣候變遷上。他認為世界區域地理是一種吸引和啟發學生的方式,通過提供概念工具來批判性和建設性地評估當代世界。他目前的寫作項目包括一本關於加州海岸山脈的自然歷史書籍和網站,以及幾篇有關不同歐洲環境主題的文章。除了這些著作,他還維護著各種基於網絡的博客和網站。
**馬丁·路易斯(Martin Lewis)**是斯坦福大學的歷史高級講師,教授全球地理課程。他在菲律賓的環境地理學和世界地理的知識史方面進行了廣泛的研究。他的出版物包括《賭注土地:北呂宋山脈的儀式、資本與環境退化(Wagering the Land: Ritual, Capital, and Environmental Degradation in the Cordillera of Northern Luzon, 1900--1986)》(1992),以及與凱倫·維根(Karen Wigen)合著的《大陸的神話:對元地理的批評(The Myth of Continents: A Critique of Metageography)》(1997)。路易斯博士曾廣泛旅行於東亞、南亞和東南亞。他最近的書籍是與阿西亞·佩雷爾茨瓦伊(Asya Pereltsvaig)共同撰寫的《印歐語言爭議:歷史語言學中的事實與謬誤(The Indo-European Controversy: Facts and Fallacies in Historical Linguistics)》(2015)。在2009年4月,路易斯博士被《時代(Time)》雜誌評選為美國最受歡迎的講師之一。
**威廉·懷科夫(William Wyckoff)**是蒙大拿州立大學地球科學系的地理學家,專注於北美的文化和歷史地理。他撰寫和合編了幾本有關北美定居地理的書籍,包括《開發者的邊界:西紐約景觀的形成(The Developer's Frontier: The Making of the Western New York Landscape)》(1988)、《多山的西部:歷史地理的探索(The Mountainous West: Explorations in Historical Geography)》(1995,與拉里·M·迪爾薩弗(Lary M. Dilsaver)合著)、《創造科羅拉多:1860--1940年西美國景觀的形成(Creating Colorado: The Making of a Western American Landscape 1860--1940)》(1999)以及《再次上路:蒙大拿的變遷景觀(On the Road Again: Montana's Changing Landscape)》(2006)。他最近的書籍《如何閱讀美國西部:實地指南(How to Read the American West: A Field Guide)》於2014年由華盛頓大學出版社出版,並出現在韋爾哈瑟環境書籍系列中。作為世界區域地理的講師,懷科夫博士在課堂上強調學生日常生活與周圍更大全球地理之間的聯繫,這些地理日益影響著他們的未來。
**韋斯利·瑞瑟(Wesley Reisser)**是喬治·華盛頓大學的兼任地理教授,專注於政治地理和能源。自2003年以來,瑞瑟博士在美國國務院擔任多個職位,工作內容涉及人權、聯合國、以色列-巴勒斯坦衝突以及應對海外危機情況。瑞瑟博士的第一本書《黑皮書:伍德羅·威爾遜的和平秘密計劃(The Black Book: Woodrow Wilson's Secret Plan for Peace)》是對美國在第一次世界大戰結束時使用的地圖和計劃的唯一全面分析。他的第二本書是與他的兄弟科林(Colin)共同撰寫的《能源資源:從科學到社會(Energy Resources: From Science to Society)》,這是第一本關於全球能源問題的跨學科教科書。瑞瑟博士是美國地理學會的理事,也是華盛頓特區中東歐卡帕提亞民間舞蹈團的創始藝術總監,並且是2007年世界地理碗的最有價值球員(MVP)。