Improving Adolescent Literacy: Content Area Strategies at Work
暫譯: 提升青少年識字能力:內容領域策略的實踐

Fisher, Douglas, Frey, Nancy

  • 出版商: Pearson FT Press
  • 出版日期: 2019-01-30
  • 售價: $3,860
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$3,667
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 208
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 0135180872
  • ISBN-13: 9780135180877
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)




Straightforward, affordable, and practical, Improving Adolescent Literacy gives all middle and secondary school teachers instructional routines that will allow them to develop the content literacy skills of their students. Chapter-opening vignettes from actual classrooms show readers effective teaching in action and give them a look at how the chapter's instructional approach works within content area teaching. Research-based rationales for each strategy follow the vignettes and provide an in-depth look at how to implement the strategy, along with examples of each strategy across the curriculum.

In this 5th Edition, the authors provide new classroom examples from their colleagues across the disciplines as well as new instructional routines that have been researched and validated since the publication of the last edition. Also, this edition has been re-organized, adding three new chapters, to focus on the ways in which teachers can use reading, writing, speaking, and listening in their classes, emphasizing reading and comprehending texts, creating graphic organizers, developing vocabulary knowledge, and writing to learn.





Douglas Fisher, Ph.D., is Professor of Educational Leadership at San Diego State University and a teacher leader at Health Sciences High & Middle College having been an early intervention teacher and elementary school educator. He is the recipient of an International Reading Association Celebrate Literacy Award, the Farmer award for excellence in writing from the National Council of Teachers of English, as well as a Christa McAuliffe award for excellence in teacher education. He has published numerous articles on reading and literacy, differentiated instruction, and curriculum design as well as books, such as Better Learning Through Structured Teaching, Rigorous Reading, and Text Complexity: Raising Rigor in Reading.

Nancy Frey, Ph.D., is a Professor of Literacy in the Department of Educational Leadership at San Diego State University. She is the recipient of the 2008 Early Career Achievement Award from the National Reading Conference. Nancy has published in The Reading Teacher, Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, English Journal, Voices in the Middle, Middle School Journal, Remedial and Special Education, TESOL Journal, Journal of Learning Disabilities, Early Childhood Education Journal, and Educational Leadership. She has co-authored (with Doug Fisher) books on formative assessment (Checking for Understanding and Formative Assessment Action Plan), instructional design (Better Learning for Structured Teaching), data-driven instruction (Using Data to Focus Instructional Improvement), and brain-based learning (In a Reading State of Mind.) Nancy is a credentialed special educator, reading specialist, and administrator in California, and has taught at the elementary, middle, and high school levels for two decades. She is a teacher-leader at Health Sciences High and Middle College, where she learns from her colleagues and students every day.


道格拉斯·費舍爾(Douglas Fisher),博士, 是聖地牙哥州立大學(San Diego State University)教育領導學教授,也是健康科學高級中學(Health Sciences High & Middle College)的教師領導者,曾擔任早期介入教師和小學教育工作者。他獲得了國際閱讀協會(International Reading Association)慶祝識字獎(Celebrate Literacy Award)、全國英語教師協會(National Council of Teachers of English)頒發的農夫獎(Farmer Award)以表彰其寫作卓越,以及克里斯塔·麥考利夫獎(Christa McAuliffe Award)以表彰其教師教育的卓越。他發表了許多有關閱讀和識字、差異化教學和課程設計的文章,以及書籍,如透過結構化教學促進更好的學習(Better Learning Through Structured Teaching)嚴謹的閱讀(Rigorous Reading)文本複雜性:提升閱讀的嚴謹性(Text Complexity: Raising Rigor in Reading)

南希·弗雷(Nancy Frey),博士, 是聖地牙哥州立大學教育領導學系的識字教授。她是2008年全國閱讀會議(National Reading Conference)早期職業成就獎的獲得者。南希在閱讀教師(The Reading Teacher)青少年與成人識字期刊(Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy)英語期刊(English Journal)中間聲音(Voices in the Middle)中學期刊(Middle School Journal)補救與特殊教育(Remedial and Special Education)TESOL期刊(TESOL Journal)學習障礙期刊(Journal of Learning Disabilities)幼兒教育期刊(Early Childhood Education Journal)教育領導(Educational Leadership)上發表過文章。她與道格·費舍爾(Doug Fisher)共同撰寫了有關形成性評估的書籍(檢查理解(Checking for Understanding)形成性評估行動計劃(Formative Assessment Action Plan))、教學設計(結構化教學的更好學習(Better Learning for Structured Teaching))、數據驅動的教學(利用數據聚焦教學改進(Using Data to Focus Instructional Improvement))和基於大腦的學習(在閱讀的心態中(In a Reading State of Mind))。南希是加州的認證特殊教育工作者、閱讀專家和管理者,並在小學、中學和高中層級教學達二十年。她是健康科學高級中學的教師領導者,每天都從同事和學生那裡學習。