Principles of Electric Circuits: Conventional Current Version, 10/e
暫譯: 電路原理:常規電流版,第10版

Floyd, Thomas L., Buchla, David M.




For courses in DC/AC circuits: conventional flow.
Complete, accessible introduction to DC/AC circuits
Principles of Electric Circuits: Conventional Current Version provides a uniquely clear introduction to fundamental circuit laws and components, using math only when needed for understanding. Floyd's acclaimed coverage of troubleshooting - combined with exercises, examples, and illustrations - gives students the problem-solving experience they need to step outside the classroom and into a job. The 10th edition has been heavily modified to improve readability and clarity and to update the text to reflect developments in technology since the last edition. This edition also adds new step-by-step procedures for solving problems with the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator.







電路原理:傳統電流版本 提供了一個獨特清晰的基本電路法則和元件的介紹,僅在理解所需時使用數學。Floyd 對故障排除的廣受好評的涵蓋 - 結合練習、範例和插圖 - 為學生提供了他們需要的問題解決經驗,以便能夠走出教室進入職場。第10版 已經進行了大量修改,以提高可讀性和清晰度,並更新文本以反映自上版以來的技術發展。本版還新增了使用 TI-84 Plus CE 圖形計算器解決問題的逐步程序。