Adobe Master Class: Advanced Compositing in Adobe Photoshop CC: Bringing the Impossible to Reality -- with Bret Malley (2nd Edition)
暫譯: Adobe 大師班:Adobe Photoshop CC 進階合成技術:將不可能變為現實 -- 與 Bret Malley 合作(第二版)

Bret Malley



In Bret Malley’s world, a father is suspended in the air among his baby’s collection of toys . . . a big-box store and parking lot can be transformed into a scene of reclaimed nature . . . and an ordinary person can sculpt fire with his bare hands. And in Adobe Master Class: Advanced Compositing in Adobe Photoshop CC, Second Edition, Bret shares the techniques he uses to elevate an image from the everyday to the extraordinary, showing you how to make seemingly impossible scenarios come to life. 

Designed as a comprehensive guide to compositing from start to finish, this book is divided into three sections. Section I provides an overview of Adobe Photoshop CC focusing on both basic and hidden tools and other features you need to master in order to create stunning composite imagery. Bret also shows you how to shoot high-quality photos for compositing, including tips for equipment and technique. Going beyond the mechanics of Photoshop, Section II leaps into hands-on action by guiding readers through the creation of four unique composites. These fun and informative step-by-step projects cover everything from the first planning sketches to the final finishing touches (using resources provided for download). In Section III, additional detailed project walkthroughs offer tips on everything from creating a superhuman to compositing an epic fantasy landscape. Interviews and spreads featuring established and emerging artists provide a range of inspirational imagery, creative insight, and professional know-how. 


在布雷特·馬利(Bret Malley)的世界裡,一位父親懸浮在空中,與他嬰兒的玩具們共處……一家大型商店及其停車場可以轉變為一個重獲自然的場景……而一個普通人可以用赤手雕刻火焰。在《Adobe Master Class: Advanced Compositing in Adobe Photoshop CC, Second Edition》中,布雷特分享了他用來將圖像從平凡提升到非凡的技術,向你展示如何讓看似不可能的場景變為現實。

本書設計為從頭到尾的合成綜合指南,分為三個部分。第一部分提供了Adobe Photoshop CC的概述,重點介紹了你需要掌握的基本工具、隱藏工具及其他功能,以創建驚人的合成圖像。布雷特還向你展示如何拍攝高品質的合成照片,包括設備和技術的提示。第二部分超越Photoshop的機械操作,通過指導讀者創建四個獨特的合成作品,進入實踐行動。這些有趣且具啟發性的逐步項目涵蓋了從最初的規劃草圖到最終的修飾(使用提供的下載資源)。在第三部分,額外的詳細項目演示提供了從創建超人到合成史詩般的幻想風景的各種提示。訪談和專欄展示了已建立和新興藝術家的作品,提供了一系列啟發性的圖像、創意見解和專業知識。