macOS Support Essentials 10.12 - Apple Pro Training Series: Supporting and Troubleshooting macOS Sierra (macOS 支援基礎 10.12 - 蘋果專業訓練系列:支援與故障排除 macOS Sierra)

Kevin M. White, Gordon Davisson



Apple Pro Training Series: macOS Support Essentials 10.12

The Apple-Certified Way to Learn


This is the official curriculum of the macOS Support Essentials 10.12 course and preparation for Apple Certified Support Professional (ACSP) 10.12 certification–as well as a top-notch primer for anyone who needs to support, troubleshoot, or optimize macOS Sierra. The only Apple-certified book on the market, this guide is designed for support technicians, help desk specialists, and ardent Mac users and takes you deep inside the macOS Sierra operating system. You’ll find in-depth, step-by-step instruction on everything from installing and configuring macOS Sierra to managing networks and system administration–all on your way to preparing for the industry-standard ACSP certification.

  • Covers updated system utilities and new features of macOS Sierra, including Siri and Optimized Storage.
  • Features authoritative explanations of underlying technologies, troubleshooting, system administration, and much more.
  • Focused lessons take you step by step through practical, real-world tasks.
  • Lesson files and bonus material available for download–including lesson review questions to help prepare you for the Apple certification exam.
  • Web Edition provides full text of the book available online as part of our Content Update Program with revised content for significant software updates.


Apple Pro Training Series: macOS Support Essentials 10.12
這是macOS Support Essentials 10.12課程的官方課程大綱,也是Apple Certified Support Professional (ACSP) 10.12認證的準備材料,同時也是任何需要支援、疑難排解或優化macOS Sierra的人的頂尖入門指南。這是市場上唯一獲得Apple認證的書籍,專為支援技術人員、幫助台專家和熱愛Mac的用戶設計,深入介紹macOS Sierra操作系統。您將找到關於從安裝和配置macOS Sierra到管理網絡和系統管理的深入、逐步指導,以及為行業標準ACSP認證做準備的所有內容。

- 包括更新的系統工具和macOS Sierra的新功能,包括Siri和優化存儲。
- 提供對底層技術、疑難排解、系統管理等的權威解釋。
- 焦點課程逐步引導您完成實際的、真實世界的任務。
- 提供下載的課程文件和額外資料,包括課程回顧問題,以幫助您準備Apple認證考試。
- Web Edition提供全書的線上完整內容,作為我們的內容更新計劃的一部分,以提供重要軟體更新的修訂內容。