Oracle Database Problem Solving and Troubleshooting Handbook (Oracle 資料庫問題解決與故障排除手冊)

Tariq Farooq / Mike Ault / Paulo Portugal / Mohamed Houri / Syed Jaffar Hussain / Jim Czuprynski / Guy Harrison Farooq / Ault / Portugal / Houri / Hussain / Czuprynski / Harrison




An Expert Guide for Solving Complex Oracle Database Problems


Oracle Database Problem Solving and Troubleshooting Handbook  delivers comprehensive, practical, and up-to-date advice for running the Oracle Database reliably and efficiently in complex production environments. Seven leading Oracle experts have brought together an unmatched collection of proven solutions, hands-on examples, and step-by-step tips for Oracle Database 12c, 11g, and other recent versions of Oracle Database. Every solution is crafted to help experienced Oracle DBAs and DMAs understand and fix serious problems as rapidly as possible.


The authors cover LOB segments, UNDO tablespaces, high GC buffer wait events, poor query response times, latch contention, indexing, XA distributed transactions, RMAN backup/recovery, and much more. They also offer in-depth coverage of a wide range of topics, including DDL optimization, VLDB tuning, database forensics, adaptive cursor sharing, data pumps, data migration, SSDs, indexes, and how to go about fixing Oracle RAC problems.


Learn how to

  • Choose the quickest path to solve high-impact problems
  • Use modern best practices to make your day more efficient and predictable
  • Construct your “Call 9-1-1 plan” for future database emergencies
  • Proactively perform maintenance to improve your environment’s stability
  • Save time with industry-standard tools and scripts

Register your product at for convenient access to downloads, updates, and corrections as they become available.


《Oracle Database Problem Solving and Troubleshooting Handbook》是一本專為解決複雜的Oracle資料庫問題而編寫的專家指南。本書提供全面、實用且最新的建議,幫助在複雜的生產環境中可靠且高效地運行Oracle資料庫。七位領先的Oracle專家匯集了一系列經過驗證的解決方案、實際示例和逐步提示,適用於Oracle Database 12c、11g和其他最新版本的Oracle Database。每個解決方案都旨在幫助經驗豐富的Oracle DBA和DMA盡快理解和解決嚴重的問題。

作者們涵蓋了LOB段、UNDO表空間、高GC緩衝等待事件、查詢響應時間不佳、閂爭、索引、XA分佈式事務、RMAN備份/恢復等多個主題。他們還深入探討了許多其他主題,包括DDL優化、VLDB調優、數據庫取證、自適應游標共享、數據泵、數據遷移、SSD、索引以及如何解決Oracle RAC問題。

- 選擇解決高影響問題的最快方法
- 使用現代最佳實踐使您的工作更高效和可預測
- 構建您的“Call 9-1-1計劃”,以應對未來的資料庫緊急情況
- 積極進行維護,提高環境的穩定性
- 使用行業標準工具和腳本節省時間
