C++ Without Fear: A Beginner's Guide That Makes You Feel Smart, 3/e (Paperback)

Brian Overland




Learning C++ Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult!


Have you ever wanted to learn programming? Have you ever wanted to learn the C++ language behind many of today’s hottest games, business programs, and even advanced spacecraft? C++ Without Fear, Third Edition, is the ideal way to get started. Now updated for the newest C++14 standard and the free Microsoft Visual C++ Community Edition, it will quickly make you productive with C++ even if you’ve never written a line of code!


Brian Overland has earned rave reviews for this book’s approach to teaching C++. He starts with short, simple examples you can easily enter and run. Within a couple of chapters, you’ll be creating useful utilities, playing games, and solving puzzles. Everything’s simplified to its essentials, patiently explained, and clearly illustrated with practical examples and exercises that help you make progress quickly.


Overland reveals the “whys” and “tricks” behind each C++ language feature. And you’ll never get bogged down in complex or pointless examples: He keeps you 100% focused on learning what works and what matters—while having fun!


This new and improved edition

  • Covers installing and using the free Microsoft Visual C++ Community Edition—but you can use any version of C++
  • Explains valuable improvements in the new C++14 standard
  • Modularizes C++14 coverage so it’s easy to write code that works with older versions
  • Teaches with even more puzzles, games, and relevant exercises
  • Offers more “why” and “how-to” coverage of object orientation, today’s #1 approach to programming
  • Presents more ways to use Standard Template Library (STL) code to save time and get more done
  • Contains an expanded reference section for all your day-to-day programming

Whether you want to learn C++ programming for pleasure or you’re considering a career in programming, this book is an outstanding choice.



你曾經想過學習程式設計嗎?你曾經想過學習C++語言,這是當今最熱門的遊戲、商業程式甚至先進太空船背後的語言嗎?《C++ Without Fear, 第三版》是入門的理想選擇。這本書已經更新至最新的C++14標準和免費的Microsoft Visual C++ Community Edition,即使你從未寫過一行程式碼,它也能讓你迅速上手C++。

Brian Overland因為這本書教授C++的方式而受到好評。他從簡短且簡單的範例開始,你可以輕鬆輸入並執行。在幾個章節之內,你將能夠創建有用的工具、玩遊戲和解決謎題。所有內容都簡化到最基本,耐心解釋,並用實際的例子和練習清晰地說明,幫助你快速進步。



- 包含安裝和使用免費的Microsoft Visual C++ Community Edition的內容,但你也可以使用任何版本的C++
- 解釋了新的C++14標準中的重要改進
- 將C++14的內容模組化,使得能夠輕鬆編寫與舊版本相容的程式碼
- 透過更多謎題、遊戲和相關練習來教授
- 提供更多關於物件導向的「為什麼」和「如何」的內容,這是當今最主要的程式設計方法
- 提供更多使用標準模板庫(STL)程式碼的方法,以節省時間並提高效率
- 包含擴充的參考章節,方便你日常程式設計使用
