Data at Work: Best practices for creating effective charts and information graphics in Microsoft Excel (Paperback)
暫譯: 工作中的數據:在 Microsoft Excel 中創建有效圖表和信息圖形的最佳實踐 (平裝本)

Jorge Camões



Information visualization is a language. Like any language, it can be used for multiple purposes. A poem, a novel, and an essay all share the same language, but each one has its own set of rules. The same is true with information visualization: a product manager, statistician, and graphic designer each approach visualization from different perspectives.

Data at Work was written with you, the spreadsheet user, in mind. This book will teach you how to think about and organize data in ways that directly relate to your work, using the skills you already have. In other words, you don’t need to be a graphic designer to create functional, elegant charts: this book will show you how.

Although all of the examples in this book were created in Microsoft Excel, this is not a book about how to use Excel. Data at Work will help you to know which type of chart to use and how to format it, regardless of which spreadsheet application you use and whether or not you have any design experience. In this book, you’ll learn how to extract, clean, and transform data; sort data points to identify patterns and detect outliers; and understand how and when to use a variety of data visualizations including bar charts, slope charts, strip charts, scatter plots, bubble charts, boxplots, and more.

Because this book is not a manual, it never specifies the steps required to make a chart, but the relevant charts will be available online for you to download, with brief explanations of how they were created.



《Data at Work》是為您這位電子表格使用者而寫的。本書將教您如何思考和組織數據,以直接與您的工作相關的方式,利用您已經擁有的技能。換句話說,您不需要成為圖形設計師就能創建功能性和優雅的圖表:本書將告訴您如何做到這一點。

雖然本書中的所有範例都是在 Microsoft Excel 中創建的,但這不是一本關於如何使用 Excel 的書。《Data at Work》將幫助您了解使用哪種類型的圖表以及如何格式化它,無論您使用的是哪種電子表格應用程式,或您是否有任何設計經驗。在本書中,您將學習如何提取、清理和轉換數據;對數據點進行排序以識別模式和檢測異常值;以及了解如何以及何時使用各種數據視覺化,包括條形圖、斜率圖、條帶圖、散點圖、氣泡圖、箱型圖等。


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