Core Java Volume I -- Fundamentals, 10/e (Paperback) (核心Java 第I卷 -- 基礎知識,第10版 (平裝本))

Cay S. Horstmann




Core Java® has long been recognized as the leading, no-nonsense tutorial and reference for experienced programmers who want to write robust Java code for real-world applications. Now, Core Java®, Volume I—Fundamentals, Tenth Edition, has been extensively updated to reflect the most eagerly awaited and innovative version of Java in years: Java SE 8. Rewritten and reorganized to illuminate new Java SE 8 features, idioms, and best practices, it contains hundreds of example programs—all carefully crafted for easy understanding and practical applicability.


Writing for serious programmers solving real-world problems, Cay Horstmann helps you achieve a deep understanding of the Java language and library. In this first volume of the two-volume work, Horstmann focuses on fundamental language concepts and the foundations of modern user interface programming. You’ll find in-depth coverage of topics ranging from Java object-oriented programming to generics, collections, lambda expressions, Swing UI design, and the latest approaches to concurrency and functional programming. This guide will help you 

  • Leverage your existing programming knowledge to quickly master core Java syntax
  • Understand how encapsulation, classes, and inheritance work in Java
  • Master interfaces, inner classes, and lambda expressions for functional programming
  • Improve program robustness with exception handling and effective debugging
  • Write safer, more readable programs with generics and strong typing
  • Use pre-built collections to collect multiple objects for later retrieval
  • Master concurrent programming techniques from the ground up
  • Build modern cross-platform GUIs with standard Swing components
  • Deploy configurable applications and applets, and deliver them across the Internet
  • Simplify concurrency and enhance performance with new functional techniques 

If you’re an experienced programmer moving to Java SE 8, Core Java®, Tenth Edition, will be your reliable, practical companion—now and for many years to come.


Look for the companion volume, Core Java®, Volume II—Advanced Features, Tenth Edition (ISBN-13: 978-0-13-417729-8), for coverage of Java 8 streams, input and output, XML, databases, annotations, and other advanced topics.


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《Core Java®》長期以來一直被認為是經驗豐富的程式設計師寫實際應用程式時所需的堅實Java程式碼的領先教程和參考資料。現在,《Core Java®,第一卷-基礎,第十版》已經進行了廣泛更新,以反映多年來最受期待和創新的Java版本:Java SE 8。重新撰寫和重新組織以闡明新的Java SE 8功能、慣用語和最佳實踐,它包含數百個範例程式-全部都經過精心製作,易於理解和實際應用。

Cay Horstmann為解決現實世界問題的嚴肅程式設計師提供幫助,幫助您深入了解Java語言和庫。在這兩卷作品的第一卷中,Horstmann專注於基本語言概念和現代用戶界面編程的基礎。您將找到從Java面向對象編程到泛型、集合、lambda表達式、Swing UI設計以及並發和函數編程的最新方法的深入涵蓋。本指南將幫助您:

- 利用現有的程式設計知識快速掌握核心Java語法
- 理解封裝、類和繼承在Java中的工作原理
- 掌握功能編程的介面、內部類和lambda表達式
- 通過例外處理和有效的調試提高程式的穩健性
- 使用泛型和強類型編寫更安全、更易讀的程式
- 使用預建集合來收集多個對象以供以後檢索
- 從頭開始掌握並發編程技術
- 使用標準Swing元件構建現代跨平台GUI
- 部署可配置的應用程式和小程式,並通過互聯網傳遞它們
- 簡化並發性並通過新的功能技術提高性能

如果您是一位經驗豐富的程式設計師轉向Java SE 8,《Core Java®,第十版》將成為您可靠、實用的伴侶-現在和未來的許多年。

請尋找配套的第二卷《Core Java®,第二卷-高級特性,第十版》(ISBN-13:978-0-13-417729-8),其中包括Java 8流、輸入和輸出、XML、數據庫、註釋和其他高級主題的內容。
