Core Java Volume II -- Advanced Features, 10/e (Paperback)
暫譯: 核心 Java 第二卷 -- 進階特性,第10版 (平裝本)

Cay S. Horstmann



Core Java® has long been recognized as the leading, no-nonsense tutorial and reference for experienced programmers who want to write robust Java code for real-world applications. Now, Core Java®, Volume II—Advanced Features, Tenth Edition, has been extensively updated to reflect the most eagerly awaited and innovative version of Java in years: Java SE 8. Rewritten and reorganized to illuminate powerful new Java features, idioms, and best practices for enterprise and desktop development, it contains hundreds of up-to-date example programs—all carefully crafted for easy understanding and practical applicability.


Writing for serious programmers solving real-world problems, Cay Horstmann deepens your understanding of today’s Java language and library. In this second of two updated volumes, he offers in-depth coverage of advanced topics including the new Streams API and date/time/calendar library, advanced Swing, security, code processing, and more. This guide will help you


  • Use the new Streams library to process collections more flexibly and efficiently
  • Efficiently access files and directories, read/write binary or text data, and serialize objects
  • Work with Java SE 8’s regular expression package
  • Make the most of XML in Java: parsing, validation, XPath, document generation, XSL, and more
  • Efficiently connect Java programs to network services
  • Program databases with JDBC 4.2
  • Elegantly overcome date/time programming complexities with the new java.time API
  • Write internationalized programs with localized dates/times, numbers, text, and GUIs
  • Process code with the scripting API, compiler API, and annotation processors
  • Enforce security via class loaders, bytecode verification, security managers, permissions, user authentication, digital signatures, code signing, and encryption
  • Master advanced Swing components for lists, tables, trees, text, and progress indicators
  • Produce high-quality drawings with the Java 2D API
  • Use JNI native methods to leverage code in other languages


If you’re an experienced programmer moving to Java SE 8, Core Java®, Tenth Edition, is the reliable, practical, and complete guide to the Java platform that has been trusted by developers for over twenty years.


Look for the companion volume, Core Java®, Volume I—Fundamentals, Tenth Edition (ISBN-13: 978-0-13-417730-4), for foundational coverage of Java 8 language concepts, UI programming, objects, generics, collections, lambda expressions, concurrency, functional programming, and more.


Core Java® 長期以來被認為是經驗豐富的程式設計師撰寫穩健 Java 代碼以應對現實世界應用的首選、實用的教程和參考書。現在,Core Java®, Volume II—Advanced Features, Tenth Edition, 已經進行了廣泛的更新,以反映多年來最受期待和創新的 Java 版本:Java SE 8。這本書重新編寫和組織,旨在闡明強大的新 Java 特性、慣用法和企業及桌面開發的最佳實踐,包含數百個最新的示例程式碼,所有範例都經過精心設計,以便於理解和實際應用。

為了解決現實世界問題的嚴謹程式設計師而寫的,Cay Horstmann 深入探討了當今 Java 語言和庫的理解。在這兩本更新卷的第二本中,他深入涵蓋了包括新的 Streams API 和日期/時間/日曆庫、高級 Swing、安全性、代碼處理等高級主題。本指南將幫助您:

- 使用新的 Streams 庫更靈活和高效地處理集合
- 高效地訪問文件和目錄,讀取/寫入二進制或文本數據,並序列化對象
- 使用 Java SE 8 的正則表達式包
- 充分利用 Java 中的 XML:解析、驗證、XPath、文檔生成、XSL 等
- 高效地將 Java 程式連接到網絡服務
- 使用 JDBC 4.2 編程數據庫
- 優雅地克服日期/時間編程的複雜性,使用新的 java.time API
- 編寫國際化程序,使用本地化的日期/時間、數字、文本和 GUI
- 使用腳本 API、編譯器 API 和註解處理器處理代碼
- 通過類加載器、字節碼驗證、安全管理器、權限、用戶身份驗證、數字簽名、代碼簽名和加密來強化安全性
- 精通高級 Swing 組件,用於列表、表格、樹、文本和進度指示器
- 使用 Java 2D API 生成高品質的圖形
- 使用 JNI 本地方法利用其他語言的代碼

如果您是一位有經驗的程式設計師,正在轉向 Java SE 8,Core Java®, Tenth Edition, 是一部可靠、實用且完整的 Java 平台指南,已經被開發者信賴超過二十年。

請尋找配套卷, Core Java®, Volume I—Fundamentals, Tenth Edition (ISBN-13: 978-0-13-417730-4),以獲得 Java 8 語言概念、UI 編程、對象、泛型、集合、lambda 表達式、並發、函數式編程等基礎知識的涵蓋。