Computer Science: An Interdisciplinary Approach(Hardcover)
暫譯: 計算機科學:跨學科方法(精裝版)

Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne



Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne’s  Computer Science: An Interdisciplinary Approach  is the ideal modern introduction to computer science with Java programming for both students and professionals. Taking a broad, applications-based approach, Sedgewick and Wayne teach through important examples from science, mathematics, engineering, finance, and commercial computing.



The book demystifies computation, explains its intellectual underpinnings, and covers the essential elements of programming and computational problem solving in today’s environments. The authors begin by introducing basic programming elements such as variables, conditionals, loops, arrays, and I/O. Next, they turn to functions, introducing key modular programming concepts, including components and reuse. They present a modern introduction to object-oriented programming, covering current programming paradigms and approaches to data abstraction.


Building on this foundation, Sedgewick and Wayne widen their focus to the broader discipline of computer science. They introduce classical sorting and searching algorithms, fundamental data structures and their application, and scientific techniques for assessing an implementation’s performance. Using abstract models, readers learn to answer basic questions about computation, gaining insight for practical application. Finally, the authors show how machine architecture links the theory of computing to real computers, and to the field’s history and evolution.


For each concept, the authors present all the information readers need to build confidence, together with examples that solve intriguing problems. Each chapter contains question-and-answer sections, self-study drills, and challenging problems that demand creative solutions.


Companion web site ( contains


  • Extensive supplementary information, including suggested approaches to programming assignments, checklists, and FAQs
  • Graphics and sound libraries
  • Links to program code and test data
  • Solutions to selected exercises
  • Chapter summaries
  • Detailed instructions for installing a Java programming environment
  • Detailed problem sets and projects










Companion 20-part series of video lectures is available at


羅伯特·塞奇威克(Robert Sedgewick)和凱文·韋恩(Kevin Wayne)的《計算機科學:跨學科的方法》(Computer Science: An Interdisciplinary Approach)是一本理想的現代計算機科學入門書籍,適合學生和專業人士使用,並以 Java 程式設計為基礎。塞奇威克和韋恩採取廣泛的應用導向方法,通過科學、數學、工程、金融和商業計算中的重要範例進行教學。





- 廣泛的補充信息,包括對程式設計作業的建議方法、檢查清單和常見問題解答
- 圖形和聲音庫
- 程式碼和測試數據的鏈接
- 選定練習的解答
- 章節摘要
- 安裝 Java 程式設計環境的詳細說明
- 詳細的問題集和專案

伴隨的 20 部分視頻講座系列可在 獲得。