Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 11/e (IE-Paperback)
暫譯: 電子設備與電路理論,第11版 (IE-平裝本)

Robert L. Boylestad




Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Eleventh Edition, offers students a complete, comprehensive survey, focusing on all the essentials they will need to succeed on the job. Setting the standard for nearly 30 years, this highly accurate text is supported by strong pedagogy and content that is ideal for new students of this rapidly changing field. The colorful layout with ample photographs and examples enhances students’ understanding of important topics. This text is an excellent reference work for anyone involved with electronic devices and other circuitry applications, such as electrical and technical engineers.

Using a systems approach, this edition represents an exhaustive effort to enhance the material that introduces the concept of system engineering.

  For ac analysis, the text emphasizes the difference between the no-load and loaded gain, including examples of how each affects the gain and characteristics of a system.

  Entire sections remain to demonstrate the impact of the source and load resistance on the system response, although now the material is an integral part of the ac analysis chapter of the device under discussion.

The text’s visual presentation represents a concerted effort to ensure that important statements and conclusions stand out in boldface and/or color.

  Color is used for instructional purposes wherever appropriate to identify important parameters, network regions, and results, as well as to enhance students’ understanding of figures.

  This approach improves readability. Summaries and equation lists appear near the end of each chapter for review and study.

Practical applications in every chapter cover the latest in the industry.

  There are more than 100 practical applications at the end of each chapter, helping students learn how theory is applied in real-world settings.

The computer coverage extends beyond what you'll find in competing texts.

  The latest versions of PSpice, Multisim, and Mathcad are covered in specific sections throughout the text, including descriptions of important differences in the application of each software package.

  PSpice and Multisim are both covered in an effort to ensure students are familiar with software packages they might use in future studies or the real world, or both.

Circuit files are provided to enhance students’ learning experience.

  Selected circuit diagrams in the text are rendered in Multisim 2001, Multisim 7, and PSpice 9.2 and these circuit files are provided on the book's CD-ROM and for quick, easy download at the book's companion website (www.prenhall.com/boylestad).

  Multisim and PSpice are widely regarded as excellent simulation tools for classroom and laboratory learning but students don't necessarily have to use these circuit files with this textbook.

  Circuits created in later more current releases of Multisim and PSpice may also be available at the companion website.

Companion website available at www.prenhall.com/boylestad

  The companion site contains Multisim and PSpice circuit files, chapter summary reviews, and additional multiple choice questions, providing students with an interactive resource that brings the subject matter to life.

New to This Edition
The eleventh edition has been updated to emphasize current trends in electrical devices, providing students with a real-world view of electrical engineering.

  Updated photos, artwork, and data sheets reflect device components available today, covering characteristics of components that have changed rapidly in recent years.

  The parameters associated with the content and all the example problems are more consistent with device characteristics available today. Some devices, no longer available or used very infrequently, were dropped to insure proper emphasis on current trends.

  Computer programs have been rerun and the descriptions updated to include the effects of using OrCAD version 16.3 and Multisim version 11.1. Introductory chapters now assume a broader understanding of computer methods resulting in a revised introduction to the two programs.

New and expanded content covers important concepts for students.

  Over 100 new problems have been added throughout the text, and significant updates have been made to existing problems.

  Photos and biographies of important contributors to the material have been added throughout the text, including Sidney Darlington, Walter Schottky, Harry Nyquist, Edwin Colpitts, and Ralph Hartley.

  New sections added cover the impact of combined dc and ac sources on diode networks, multiple BJT networks, VMOS and UMOS power FETs, Early voltage, frequency impact on the basic elements, effect of R on an amplifier’s frequency response, Gain-Bandwidth product, and more.

  Completely rewritten sections include bias stabilization, current sources, feedback in the DC and AC modes, mobility factors in diode and transistor response, transition and diffusion capacitive effects in diodes and transistor response characteristics, reverse saturation current, breakdown regions (cause and effect), and the hybrid model.

  The section on solar cells now offers a detailed examination of the materials employed, additional response curves, and a number of new practical applications.

  Coverage of the Darlington effect has been totally rewritten and expanded to include detailed examination of the emitter-follower and collector gain configurations.

  Coverage of transistors now includes detail on the cross-bar latch transistor and carbon nanotubes.

  Coverage of LEDs now includes an expanded discussion of the materials employed, comparisons to today’s other lighting options, and examples of the products defining the future of this important semiconductor device.

  The data sheets commonly included in a text of this type are now discussed in detail to insure a well-established link when the student enters the industrial community.

Important organizational changes throughout the text provide students the best sequence of coverage in the learning process.

  Reorganized content can be found in the early DC chapters on diodes and transistors, in the discussion of current gain in the AC chapters for BJTs and JFETs, in the Darlington section, and in the frequency response chapters. In chapter 16 topics were dropped and the order of sections changed dramatically.


1. Semiconductor Diodes.
2. Diode Applications.
3. Bipolar Junction Transistors.
4. DC Biasing—BJTs.
5. BJT AC Analysis
6. Field Effect Transistors
7. FET Biasing.
8. FET Amplifiers.
9. BJT and JFET Frequency Response.
10. Operational Amplifiers.
11. Op-Amp Applications.
12. Power Amplifiers.
13. Linear-Digital ICs.
14. Feedback and Oscillator Circuits.
15. Power Supplies (Voltage Regulators).
16. Other Two-Terminal Devices.
17. pnpn and Other Devices.




- 對於交流分析,文本強調無負載增益和有負載增益之間的差異,包括每種情況如何影響系統的增益和特性範例。

- 整個部分仍然展示源和負載電阻對系統響應的影響,儘管現在這些材料已成為所討論設備的交流分析章節的整體部分。


- 在適當的地方使用顏色作為教學目的,以識別重要參數、網絡區域和結果,並增強學生對圖形的理解。

- 這種方法提高了可讀性。每章的結尾會出現摘要和方程式列表,以便於回顧和學習。


- 每章結尾有超過100個實用應用,幫助學生了解理論如何應用於現實世界。


- 在文本的特定部分涵蓋了最新版本的PSpice、Multisim和Mathcad,包括對每個軟體包應用中重要差異的描述。

- PSpice和Multisim都被涵蓋,以確保學生熟悉他們在未來學習或現實世界中可能使用的軟體包。


- 文本中的選定電路圖在Multisim 2001、Multisim 7和PSpice 9.2中呈現,這些電路檔案可在書籍的CD-ROM上獲得,並可在書籍的伴隨網站(www.prenhall.com/boylestad)上快速、輕鬆下載。

- Multisim和PSpice被廣泛認為是優秀的模擬工具,用於課堂和實驗室學習,但學生不必一定要使用這些電路檔案與本教材一起使用。

- 在Multisim和PSpice的更新版本中創建的電路也可能在伴隨網站上提供。


- 伴隨網站包含Multisim和PSpice電路檔案、章節摘要回顧和額外的選擇題,為學生提供了一個互動資源,使主題內容生動起來。


- 更新的照片、藝術作品和數據表反映了當今可用的設備組件,涵蓋了近年來迅速變化的組件特性。

- 與內容相關的參數及所有範例問題與當今可用的設備特性更為一致。一些不再可用或使用頻率極低的設備被刪除,以確保對當前趨勢的正確強調。

- 計算機程序已重新運行,並更新描述以包括使用OrCAD版本16.3和Multisim版本11.1的影響。引言章節現在假設對計算機方法有更廣泛的理解,從而修訂了對這兩個程序的介紹。


- 在整個文本中新增了超過100個新問題,並對現有問題進行了重大更新。

- 在文本中新增了重要貢獻者的照片和簡介,包括Sidney Darlington、Walter Schottky、Harry Nyquist、Edwin Colpitts和Ralph Hartley。

- 新增的部分涵蓋了直流和交流源對二極體網絡的影響、多個BJT網絡、VMOS和UMOS功率FET、Early電壓、頻率對基本元件的影響、R對放大器頻率響應的影響、增益-帶寬乘積等。

- 完全重寫的部分包括偏置穩定化、電流源、直流和交流模式下的反饋、二極體和晶體管響應中的遷移因子、二極體和晶體管響應特徵中的過渡和擴散電容效應、反向飽和電流、擊穿區域(原因和影響)以及混合模型。

- 現在有關太陽能電池的部分提供了對所用材料的詳細檢查、額外的響應曲線和多個新的實用應用。