Java for Programmers, 2/e (Paperback)
暫譯: 程式設計師的 Java(第二版)
Paul Deitel, Harvey M. Deitel
- 出版商: Prentice Hall
- 出版日期: 2011-04-28
- 定價: $1,860
- 售價: 6.0 折 $1,116
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 1168
- 裝訂: Paperback
- ISBN: 0132821540
- ISBN-13: 9780132821544
Java 程式語言
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Written for programmers with a background in high-level language programming, this book applies the Deitel signature live-code approach to teaching programming and explores the Java language and Java APIs in depth. The book presents concepts in the context of fully tested programs, complete with syntax shading, code highlighting, line-by-line code walkthroughs and program outputs. The book features 200+ complete Java programs with 18,000+ lines of proven Java code, and hundreds of tips that will help you build robust applications.
Start with an introduction to Java using an early classes and objects approach, then rapidly move on to more advanced topics, including GUI, graphics, exception handling, generics, collections, JDBC™, web-application development with JavaServer™ Faces, web services and more. You’ll enjoy the Deitels’ classic treatment of object-oriented programming and the OOD/UML® ATM case study, including a complete Java implementation. When you’re finished, you’ll have everything you need to build object-oriented Java applications.
Practical, example-rich coverage of:
- Java SE 7
- Classes, Objects, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Interfaces
- Integrated OOP Case Studies
- Industrial-Strength, 95-Page OOD/UML® ATM Case Study
- JavaServer™ Faces 2.0, Ajax-Enabled Web Apps, Web Services, Networking
- JDBC™, SQL, Java DB, MySQL®
- Threads and the Concurrency APIs
- I/O, Types, Control Statements, Methods
- Arrays, Generics, Collections
- Exception Handling, Files
- GUI, Graphics, GroupLayout, JDIC
- Using the Debugger and the API Docs
- Online, Three-Chapter Introduction to Android™ App Development
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Comments from Recent Editions’ Reviewers
“Introduces good design practices and methodologies right from the beginning. An excellent starting point for developing high-quality robust Java applications.”
–Simon Ritter, Oracle Corporation
“Updated to reflect the state of the art in Java technologies; its deep and crystal clear explanations make it indispensable. Excellent coverage of exception handling. A complete introduction to Java networking. Great coverage of multithreading.”
–José Antonio González Seco, Parliament of Andalusia
“Of immense value to practitioners of the object-oriented approach. Demystifies inheritance and polymorphism, and illustrates their use in getting elegant, simple and maintainable code. The OO design case study presents the object-oriented approach, from requirements to Java code.”
–Vinod Varma, Astra Infotech Private Limited
“ I wish I had this book when I was learning how to program! Good introduction to UML and the software engineering process.”
–Lance Andersen, Oracle
“You’ll be well on your way to becoming a great Java programmer with this book. The polymorphism and generic collections chapters are excellent.”
–Peter Pilgrim, Java Champion, Consultant
“The transition from design to implementation is explained powerfully–the reader can easily understand the design issues and how to implement them in Java.”
–S. Sivakumar, Astra Infotech Private Limited
“Gives programmers the benefit of the wisdom derived from many years of software development experience!”
–Edward F. Gehringer, North Carolina State University
專業程式設計師的 Deitel® Java™ 開發指南及強大的 Java 平台
本書為具備高階程式語言編程背景的程式設計師所撰寫,採用 Deitel 簽名的即時程式碼教學法,深入探討 Java 語言及 Java API。本書在完整測試的程式上下文中呈現概念,並配有語法著色、程式碼高亮、逐行程式碼解說及程式輸出。本書包含 200 多個完整的 Java 程式,超過 18,000 行經過驗證的 Java 程式碼,以及數百個幫助您構建穩健應用程式的提示。
從使用早期類別和物件的方法介紹 Java 開始,然後迅速進入更高級的主題,包括 GUI、圖形、例外處理、泛型、集合、JDBC™、使用 JavaServer™ Faces 的網頁應用程式開發、網路服務等。您將享受 Deitel 對物件導向程式設計的經典處理及 OOD/UML® ATM 案例研究,包括完整的 Java 實作。完成後,您將擁有構建物件導向 Java 應用程式所需的一切。
- Java SE 7
- 類別、物件、封裝、繼承、多型、介面
- 整合的 OOP 案例研究
- 工業級、95 頁的 OOD/UML® ATM 案例研究
- JavaServer™ Faces 2.0、Ajax 支援的網頁應用程式、網路服務、網路
- 執行緒及併發 API
- 輸入/輸出、類型、控制語句、方法
- 陣列、泛型、集合
- 例外處理、檔案
- GUI、圖形、GroupLayout、JDIC
- 使用除錯器和 API 文件
- 線上、三章節的 Android™ 應用程式開發介紹
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“從一開始就介紹良好的設計實踐和方法論。開發高品質穩健的 Java 應用程式的絕佳起點。”
–Simon Ritter, Oracle Corporation
“更新以反映 Java 技術的最新狀態;其深入且清晰的解釋使其不可或缺。對例外處理的優秀涵蓋。對 Java 網路的完整介紹。對多執行緒的出色涵蓋。”
–José Antonio González Seco, 亞 Andalusia 議會
“對於物件導向方法的實踐者來說,這本書具有巨大的價值。揭開繼承和多型的神秘面紗,並說明它們在獲得優雅、簡單和可維護的程式碼中的使用。OO 設計案例研究展示了物件導向方法,從需求到 Java 程式碼。”
–Vinod Varma, Astra Infotech Private Limited
“我希望在學習程式設計時就擁有這本書!對 UML 和軟體工程過程的良好介紹。”
–Lance Andersen, Oracle
“有了這本書,您將在成為優秀的 Java 程式設計師的路上走得更遠。多型和泛型集合的章節非常出色。”
–Peter Pilgrim, Java Champion, Consultant
“從設計到實作的過渡解釋得非常有力——讀者可以輕鬆理解設計問題及如何在 Java 中實作它們。”
–S. Sivakumar, Astra Infotech Private Limited
–Edward F. Gehringer, 北卡羅來納州立大學