The Official Ubuntu Book, 2/e (Paperback)

Benjamin Mako Hill, Jono Bacon, Ivan Krstic, David J. Murphy, Jonathan Jesse, Peter Savage, Corey Burger

  • 出版商: Prentice Hall
  • 出版日期: 2007-07-12
  • 定價: $1,050
  • 售價: 5.0$525
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 512
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0132354136
  • ISBN-13: 9780132354134
  • 相關分類: Linux
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=1)




Praise for The Official Ubuntu Book

". . . this one (Ubuntu Linux book) is at the head of the pack for getting started with your penguin experience. . . ."

—Tom Duff

"Benjamin Mako Hill et al. have produced an excellent book that speaks to everyone who uses or is considering using Ubuntu."

—James Pyles, Reviewer, "The Linux Tutorial"

"Well written in an easy-to-follow format. Full of information for folks new to Linux or just new to Ubuntu. Even nontechnical users would find this a very helpful resource."

—Ben Gerber,

"I'd recommend picking it up if you are running Ubuntu."

—Tony Lawrence, owner of

Ubuntu is a complete, free operating system that emphasizes community, support, and ease of use without compromising speed, power, or flexibility. It's Linux for human beings—designed for everyone from computer novices to experts. Ubuntu 7.04 (a.k.a., "Feisty Fawn") is the latest release—more powerful, more flexible, and friendlier than ever. The Official Ubuntu Book, Second Edition, will get you up and running quickly.

Written by expert leading Ubuntu community members, this book covers all you need to know to make the most of Ubuntu 7.04, whether you're a home user, small business user, server administrator, or programmer. The authors cover Ubuntu 7.04 from start to finish: installation, configuration, desktop productivity, games, management, support, and much more. Among the many new topics covered in this edition: Ubuntu's expanded multimedia functionality and Edubuntu offerings geared for schools and educational settings.

The Official Ubuntu Book, Second Edition, covers standard desktop applications, from word processing, spreadsheets, Web browsing, e-mail, instant messaging, music, video, and games to software development, databases, and server applications. In addition, you'll

  • Learn how to customize Ubuntu for home, small business, school, government, and enterprise environments
  • Learn how to quickly update Ubuntu to accommodate new versions and new applications
  • Find up-to-the-minute troubleshooting advice from Ubuntu users worldwide
  • Learn Ubuntu Server installation and administration, including LVM and RAID implementation
  • Learn about Edubuntu—Ubuntu optimized specifically for classroom

The DVD includes the complete Ubuntu Linux operating system for installation on PC platforms, preconfigured with an outstanding desktop environment for both home and business computing. It can be used to install other complete variants of Ubuntu including Kubuntu (with the KDE environment), and Edubuntu (for use in schools).



Table of Contents

Foreword to the First Edition xxv

Preface xxxi

Acknowledgments xxxiii

About the Authors xxxv

Introduction xxxix

Chapter 1: Introducing Ubuntu 1

A Wild Ride 2

Free Software, Open Source, and GNU/Linux 3

A Brief History of Ubuntu 7

What Is Ubuntu? 12

Ubuntu Promises and Goals 18

Canonical and the Ubuntu Foundation 25

Ubuntu Subprojects, Derivatives, and Spin-offs 30

Summary 31

Chapter 2: Installing Ubuntu 33

Choosing Your Ubuntu Version 34

Getting Ubuntu 36

Installing from the Desktop CD 38

Installing from the Alternate Install CD 48

Summary 55

Chapter 3: Using Ubuntu on the Desktop 57

Taking Your Desktop for a Ride 59

Using Your Applications 68

The Ubuntu File Chooser and Bookmarks 102

Ubuntu in Your Language 104

Customizing Ubuntu's Look and Feel 104

Managing Your Files 107

Ubuntu and Multimedia 112

Summary 119

Chapter 4: Advanced Usage and Managing Ubuntu 121

Adding and Removing Programs and Packages 122

Keeping Your Computer Updated 128

Moving to the Next Ubuntu Release 131

Using and Abusing Devices and Media 132

Configuring a Printer in Ubuntu 135

Graphically Accessing Remote Files 142

The Terminal 143

Working with Windows 147

Summary 149

Chapter 5: The Ubuntu Server 151

What Is Ubuntu Server? 152

Installing Ubuntu Server 154

Ubuntu Package Management 165

Ubuntu Server Security 175

Summary 182

Chapter 6: Support and Typical Problems 185

The System 186

Applications 200

Multimedia 205

Networking 211

Hardware 216

System Administration 227

Other 239

Summary 245

Chapter 7: Using Kubuntu 247

Introduction to Kubuntu 248

Installing Kubuntu 251

Navigating in Kubuntu 256

Customizing the Desktop 259

System Administration 263

Managing Files with Kubuntu 285

Common Applications 289

Finding Help and Giving Back to the Community 305

Summary 306

Chapter 8: The Ubuntu Community 309

Venues 311

Teams, Processes, and Community Governance 326

Getting Involved 334

Summary 337

Chapter 9: Ubuntu-Related Projects 339

Partner Projects 340

Derived Distributions 342

Launchpad 346

Bazaar 352

Summary 352

Chapter 10: Using Edubuntu 355

Introduction to Edubuntu 356

What Is LTSP? 358

Installing Edubuntu 371

Managing Your Edubuntu Clients 391

Controlling and Managing the Users' Desktops 393

Troubleshooting LTSP 397

Finding Help and Giving Back to the Community 399

Summary 402

Appendix A: Welcome to the Command Line 403

Appendix B: Ubuntu Foundation Documents 413

Appendix C: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Open Publication License 425

Appendix D: Ubuntu Equivalents to Windows Programs 435

Index 439