Computer and Communication Networks
暫譯: 計算機與通信網絡

Nader F. Mir

  • 出版商: Prentice Hall
  • 出版日期: 2006-11-12
  • 售價: $3,240
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$3,078
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 656
  • 裝訂: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 0131747991
  • ISBN-13: 9780131747999
  • 已過版




As the number and variety of communication services grow, so do the challenges of designing cost-effective networks that meet the requirements of emerging technologies in wireless, sensor, and mesh networks. Computer and Communication Networks is the first book to offer balanced coverage of all these topics using extensive case studies and examples.

This essential reference begins by providing a solid foundation in TCP/IP schemes, wireless networking, Internet applications, and network security. The author then delves into the field’s analytical aspects and advanced networking protocols.

Students and researchers will find up-to-date, comprehensive coverage of fundamental and advanced networking topics, including:

  • Packet-switched networks and Internet Network protocols
  • Links
  • LAN Protocols
  • Wireless Networks
  • Transport Protocols
  • Applications and Management
  • Network Security
  • Delay Analysis
  • QoS
  • High speed protocols
  • Voice over IP
  • Optical Networks
  • Multicasting Protocols
  • Compression of Voice and Video
  • Sensor/Mesh Networks

Network architecture books are often criticized for not offering enough practical, scenario-based information. Computer and Communication Networks provides an effective blend of theory and implementation not found in other books.

Key features include:

  • Figures and images that simplify complex topics
  • Equations and algorithms
  • Case studies that further explain concepts and theory
  • Exercises and examples honed through the author’s twelve years of teaching about networking

Overall, readers will find a thorough design and performance evaluation that provides a foundation for developing the ability to analyze and simulate complex communication networks.


Table of Contents

Preface xxi

About the Author xxxi

Part I: Fundamental Concepts 1

Chapter 1 Packet-Switched Networks 3

1.1 Basic Definitions in Data Networks 4

1.2 Types of Packet-Switched Networks 10

1.3 Packet Size and Optimizations 14

1.4 Summary 16

1.5 Exercises 17

Chapter 2 Foundation of Networking Protocols 19

2.1 5-Layer TCP/IP Model 20

2.2 7-Layer OSI Model 22

2.3 Internet Protocols and Addressing 23

2.4 Equal-Sized Packets Model: ATM 33

2.5 Summary 39

2.6 Exercises 39

Chapter 3 Networking Devices 43

3.1 Multiplexers 43

3.2 Modems and Internet Access Devices 50

3.3 Switching and Routing Devices 57

3.4 Router Structure 60

3.5 Summary 67

3.6 Exercises 67

Chapter 4 Data Links and Transmission 71

4.1 Data Links 72

4.2 Wired Links and Transmission 73

4.3 Wireless Links and Transmission 74

4.4 Methods of Channel Access on Links 82

4.5 Error Detection and Correction 87

4.6 Link-Level Flow Control 94

4.7 Summary 98

4.8 Exercises 99

Chapter 5 Local Area Networks and Networks of LANs 101

5.1 LANs and Basic Topologies 102

5.2 LAN Protocols 103

5.3 MAC and IP Addresses 104

5.4 Classification of MAC Protocols 106

5.5 Contention-Access MAC 107

5.6 Round-Robin-Access MAC 114

5.7 Network of LANs 116

5.8 Summary 125

5.9 Exercises 126

Chapter 6 Wireless Networks and Mobile IP 129

6.1 Infrastructure of Wireless Networks 130

6.2 Wireless LAN Technologies 131

6.3 IEEE 802.11 Wireless Standard 134

6.4 Cellular Networks 142

6.5 Mobile IP 155

6.6 Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) 163

6.7 Summary 168

6.8 Exercises 168

Chapter 7 Routing and Internetworking 171

7.1 Network-Layer Routing 172

7.2 Least-Cost-Path Algorithms 177

7.3 Non-Least-Cost-Path Routing 180

7.4 Intradomain Routing Protocols 182

7.5 Interdomain Routing Protocols 190

7.6 Congestion Control at Network Layer 194

7.7 Summary 202

7.8 Exercises 203

Chapter 8 Transport and End-to-End Protocols 207

8.1 Transport Layer 208

8.2 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) 209

8.3 User Datagram Protocol (UDP) 213

8.4 Mobile Transport Protocols 215

8.5 TCP Congestion Control 217

8.6 Summary 222

8.7 Exercises 223

Chapter 9 Applications and Network Management 225

9.1 Application-Layer Overview 226

9.2 Domain Name System (DNS) 227

9.3 Remote Login Protocols 232

9.4 Electronic Mail (E-mail) 235

9.5 File Transfer and FTP 237

9.6 World Wide Web (WWW) and HTTP 237

9.7 Network Management 239

9.8 Summary 245

9.9 Exercises 246

Chapter 10 Network Security 249

10.1 Overview of Network Security 250

10.2 Overview of Security Methods 255

10.3 Secret-Key Encryption Protocols 257

10.4 Public-Key Encryption Protocols 260

10.5 Authentication 263

10.6 Authentication and Digital Signature 265

10.7 Security of IP and Wireless Networks 266

10.8 Firewalls 269

10.9 Summary 270

10.10 Exercises 271

Part II: Advanced Concepts 273

Chapter 11 Packet Queues and Delay Analysis 275

11.1 Little's Theorem 276

11.2 Birth-and-Death Process 278

11.3 Queueing Disciplines 279

11.4 Markovian FIFO Queueing Systems 281

11.5 Non-Markovian and Self-Similar Models 295

11.6 Networks of Queues 299

11.7 Summary 308

11.8 Exercises 309

Chapter 12 Quality of Service and Resource Allocation 315

12.1 Overview of QoS 316

12.2 Integrated Services QoS 316

12.3 Differentiated Services QoS 335

12.4 Resource Allocation 337

12.5 Summary 344

12.6 Exercises 344

Chapter 13 Networks in Switch Fabrics 349

13.1 Characteristics and Features of Switch Fabrics 350

13.2 Crossbar Switch Fabrics 352

13.3 Blocking Switch Fabrics 353

13.4 Nonblocking Switch Fabrics: Clos Networks 357

13.5 Concentration and Expansion Switches 361

13.6 Shared-Memory Switch Fabrics 365

13.7 Techniques for Improving Performance 366

13.8 Case Study: Multipath Buffered Crossbar 368

13.9 Summary 375

13.10 Exercises 376

Chapter 14 Optical Networks and WDM Systems 379

14.1 Overview of Optical Networks 380

14.2 Basic Optical Networking Devices 382

14.3 Large-Scale Optical Switches 386

14.4 Optical Routers 388

14.5 Wavelength Allocation in Networks 391

14.6 Case Study: An All-Optical Switch 395

14.7 Summary 398

14.8 Exercises 399

Chapter 15 Multicasting Techniques and Protocols 401

15.1 Basic Definitions and Techniques 402

15.2 Intradomain Multicast Protocols 406

15.3 Interdomain Multicast Protocols 414

15.4 Node-Level Multicast Algorithms 417

15.5 Summary 426

15.6 Exercises 427

Chapter 16 VPNs, Tunneling, and Overlay Networks 431

16.1 Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) 432

16.2 Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) 437

16.3 Overlay Networks 444

16.4 Summary 446

16.5 Exercises 447

Chapter 17 Compression of Digital Voice and Video 449

17.1 Overview of Data Compression 450

17.2 Digital Voice and Compression 451

17.3 Still Images and JPEG Compression 455

17.4 Moving Images and MPEG Compression 461

17.5 Limits of Compression with Loss 463

17.6 Compression Methods Without Loss 467

17.7 Case Study: FAX Compression for Transmission 470

17.8 Summary 472

17.9 Exercises 472

Chapter 18 VoIP and Multimedia Networking 479

18.1 Overview of IP Telephony 480

18.2 VoIP Signaling Protocols 482

18.3 Real-Time Media Transport Protocols 490

18.4 Distributed Multimedia Networking 497

18.5 Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) 500

18.6 Self-Similarity and Non-Markovian Streaming Analysis 503

18.7 Summary 506

18.8 Exercises 507

Chapter 19 Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks 511

19.1 Overview of Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks 512

19.2 Routing in Ad-Hoc Networks 513

19.3 Routing Protocols for Ad-Hoc Networks 515

19.4 Security of Ad-Hoc Networks 528

19.5 Summary 531

19.6 Exercises 531

Chapter 20 Wireless Sensor Networks 535

20.1 Sensor Networks and Protocol Structures 536

20.2 Communication Energy Model 540

20.3 Clustering Protocols 545

20.4 Routing Protocols 551

20.5 Case Study: Simulation of a Sensor Network 557

20.6 Other Related Technologies 559

20.7 Summary 560

20.8 Exercises 561

Appendix A: Glossary of Acronyms 563

Appendix B: RFCs 569

Appendix C: Probabilities and Stochastic Processes 573

Index 583





- 封包交換網絡和互聯網網絡協議
- 連接
- LAN協議
- 無線網絡
- 傳輸協議
- 應用和管理
- 網絡安全
- 延遲分析
- 服務質量(QoS)
- 高速協議
- 語音傳輸(Voice over IP)
- 光纖網絡
- 多播協議
- 語音和視頻壓縮
- 感測器/網狀網絡


- 簡化複雜主題的圖形和圖像
- 方程式和算法
- 進一步解釋概念和理論的案例研究
- 通過作者十二年的網絡教學經驗精心設計的練習和示例


第1章 封包交換網絡
1.1 數據網絡中的基本定義
1.2 封包交換網絡的類型
1.3 封包大小和優化
1.4 總結
1.5 練習
第2章 網絡協議的基礎
2.1 5層TCP/IP模型
2.2 7層OSI模型
2.3 互聯網協議和地址
2.4 等大小封包模型:ATM
2.5 總結
2.6 練習
第3章 網絡設備
3.1 多路復用器
3.2 數據機和互聯網接入設備
3.3 交換和路由設備
3.4 路由器結構
3.5 總結
3.6 練習
第4章 數據鏈路和傳輸
4.1 數據鏈路
4.2 有線鏈路和傳輸
4.3 無線鏈路和傳輸
4.4 鏈路上的通道訪問方法
4.5 錯誤檢測和糾正
4.6 鏈路層流量控制
4.7 總結
4.8 練習
第5章 局域網和局域網的網絡
5.1 局域網和基本拓撲
5.2 局域網協議
5.3 MAC和IP地址
5.4 MAC協議的分類
5.5 競爭訪問MAC
5.6 迴圈訪問MAC
5.7 局域網的網絡
5.8 總結
5.9 練習
第6章 無線網絡和移動IP
6.1 無線網絡的基礎設施
6.2 無線局域網技術
6.3 IEEE 802.11無線標準
6.4 行動網絡
6.5 移動IP
6.6 無線網狀網絡(WMNs)
6.7 總結
6.8 練習
第7章 路由和互聯網
7.1 網絡層路由
7.2 最小成本路徑算法
7.3 非最小成本路徑路由
7.4 域內路由協議
7.5 域間路由協議
7.6 網絡層的擁塞控制
7.7 總結
7.8 練習
第8章 傳輸和端到端協議
8.1 傳輸層
8.2 傳輸控制協議(TCP)
8.3 用戶數據報協議(UDP)
8.4 移動傳輸協議
8.5 TCP擁塞控制
8.6 總結
8.7 練習
第9章 應用和網絡管理
9.1 應用層概述
9.2 域名系統(DNS)
9.3 遠程登錄協議
9.4 電子郵件(E-mail)
9.5 文件傳輸和FTP
9.6 世界網絡(WWW)和HTTP
9.7 網絡管理
9.8 總結
9.9 練習
第10章 網絡安全
10.1 網絡安全概述
10.2 安全方法概述
10.3 秘密金鑰加密協議
10.4 公開金鑰加密協議
10.5 認證
10.6 認證和數位簽名
10.7 IP和無線網絡的安全性
10.8 防火牆
10.9 總結
10.10 練習
第11章 封包隊列和延遲分析
11.1 小定理
11.2 出生與死亡過程
11.3 排隊規則
11.4 馬可夫FIFO排隊系統
11.5 非馬可夫和自相似模型
11.6 隊列網絡
11.7 總結
11.8 練習
第12章 服務質量和資源分配
12.1 服務質量概述
12.2 整合服務質量
12.3 區分服務質量
12.4 資源分配
12.5 總結
12.6 練習
第13章 交換結構中的網絡
13.1 交換結構的特徵和功能
13.2 交叉開關結構
13.3 阻塞交換結構
13.4 非阻塞交換結構:Clos網絡
13.5 集中和擴展開關

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