RF Circuit Design: Theory & Applications, 2/e (Hardcover)
暫譯: 射頻電路設計:理論與應用,第二版(精裝本)

Reinhold Ludwig, Gene Bogdanov



This straightforward volume takes a distributed, transmission line approach to RF circuit design, with a focus on methodology fundamentals and minimal discussion of theoretical concepts. The Second Edition introduces RF design tools such as the Smith Chart, dual port networks, S-parameters, and provides extensive coverage of RF filter design, matching networks, active and passive device modeling, narrow and broadband amplifiers, mixers, and oscillators. Approaches RF design from a circuit perspective, so readers need little or no background in electromagnetic fields. Prominently features key RF concepts in sidebars throughout the text. Provides hands-on experience via accompanying MATLAB CD. For anyone interested in learning more about RF circuit design.


這本簡明的書籍採用分佈式傳輸線的方法來進行射頻(RF)電路設計,重點放在方法論的基本原則上,對理論概念的討論則相對較少。第二版引入了射頻設計工具,如史密斯圖(Smith Chart)、雙端口網路、S-參數,並廣泛涵蓋射頻濾波器設計、匹配網路、主動和被動元件建模、窄帶和寬帶放大器、混頻器和振盪器。從電路的角度來看待射頻設計,因此讀者幾乎不需要具備電磁場的背景知識。書中在側邊欄中突顯了關鍵的射頻概念。透過附帶的MATLAB CD提供實作經驗。適合任何有興趣深入了解射頻電路設計的人士。

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