Communication Systems: Analysis and Design
暫譯: 通信系統:分析與設計

Harold P.E. Stern, Samy A. Mahmoud




For one/two-semester, senior/graduate-level First Communications courses in Communication Systems and Digital Communication in the department of electrical engineering for electrical engineering students.

Using three parallel approaches—rigorous mathematical, graphical, and intuitive—this text offers students a practical and deep understanding of communication systems. Emphasis on the theme of cost vs. performance tradeoffs throughout the book provides a framework and motivation for all the topics examined in it. Fundamentals of frequency domain analysis are reinforced through graphical techniques and communications-oriented examples.

Table of Contents:

    1. Introduction.

Components of a Communication System. An Overview of Tradeoffs in Communication System Design.

2. Frequency Domain Analysis.

Why? The Fourier Series. Representing Power in the Frequency Domain. The Fourier Transform. Normalized Energy Spectral Density. Properties of the Fourier Transform. Using the Unit Impulse Function to Represent Discrete Frequency Components as Densities.

3. Digital Baseband Modulation Techniques.

Goals in Communication System Design. Baseband Modulation Using Rectangular Pulses and Binary PAM. Pulse Shaping to Improve Spectral Efficiency. Building a Baseband Transmitter.

4. Baseband Receiver Design (and Stochastic Mathematics, Part I).

Calculating the Probability of Bit Error for a Simple PAM Receiver (Includes Discussion of Probability and Random Variables). Building the Optimal Receiver (The Matched Filter or Correlation Receiver). Synchronization. Equalization. Multi-Level (M-ary) Pulse Amplitude Modulation.

5. Digital Bandpass Modulation and Demodulation Techniques (and Stochastic Mathematics, Part II).

Binary Amplitude Shift Keying (Binary ASK). Other Binary Bandpass Modulation Techniques (Binary PSK and FSK). Coherent Demodulation of Bandpass Signals. Stochastic Mathematics - Part II (Random Processes). Noncoherent Receivers for ASK and FSK. Differential (Nncoherent) PSK. A Comparison of Binary Bandpass Systems. M-ary Bandpass Techniques.

6. Analog Bandpass Modulation and Demodulation Techniques.

Transmitting an Amplitude Modulated (AM) Signal. Coherent Demodulation of AM Signals. Noncoherent Demodulation of AM Signals. Single Sideband and Vestigial Sideband AM Systems. Frequency and Phase Modulation. Generating and Demodulating FM and PM Signals. A Comparison of Analog Modulation Techniques.

7. Multiplexing Techniques.

Time Division Multiplexing. Frequency Division Multiplexing. Code Division Multiplexing.

8. Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Conversion.

Sampling and Quantizing. Differential Pulse Coded Modulation (DPCM). Delta Modulation (DM) and Continuously Variable Slope Delta Modulation (CVSD).

9. Basics of Information Theory, Data Compression, and Image Compression.

Information Content, Entropy, and Information Rate of Independent Sources. Variable Length Self-Punctuating Codes for Data Compression (Includes Huffman Coding). Sources with Dependent Messages (Includes LZW Encoding). Still Image Compression. Moving Image Compression.

10. Basics of Error Control Coding.

Channel Capacity. Algebra Field Theory and Modulo-2 Operators. Hamming Codes. A Geometric Interpretation of Error Control Coding. Cyclic Codes. Hybrid FEC/ARQ Codes. Correcting Burst Errors. Convolutional Codes and Viterbi Decoding.







    1. 介紹。


2. 頻域分析。


3. 數位基帶調變技術。


4. 基帶接收器設計(及隨機數學,第一部分)。


5. 數位帶通調變和解調技術(及隨機數學,第二部分)。

二進制振幅移鍵(Binary ASK)。其他二進制帶通調變技術(二進制PSK和FSK)。帶通信號的相干解調。隨機數學 - 第二部分(隨機過程)。ASK和FSK的非相干接收器。差分(非相干)PSK。二進制帶通系統的比較。M-ary帶通技術。

6. 類比帶通調變和解調技術。


7. 多工技術。


8. 類比到數位和數位到類比的轉換。


9. 資訊理論、數據壓縮和影像壓縮的基本概念。


10. 錯誤控制編碼的基本概念。

