Introduction to Graph Theory,
暫譯: 圖論入門

Douglas B. West




For undergraduate or graduate courses in Graph Theory in departments of mathematics or computer science.

This text offers a comprehensive and coherent introduction to the fundamental topics of graph theory. It includes basic algorithms and emphasizes the understanding and writing of proofs about graphs. Thought-provoking examples and exercises develop a thorough understanding of the structure of graphs and the techniques used to analyze problems. The first seven chapters form the basic course, with advanced material in Chapter 8.

Table of Contents

1. Fundamental Concepts.
2. Trees and Distance.
3. Matchings and Factors.
4. Connectivity and Paths.
5. Coloring of Graphs.
6. Planar Graphs.
7. Edges and Cycles.
8. Additional Topics (Optional).
Appendix A: Mathematical Background.
Appendix B: Optimization and Complexity.
Appendix C: Hints for Selected Exercises.
Appendix D: Glossary of Terms.
Appendix E: Supplemental Reading.
Appendix F: References.





1. 基本概念。

2. 樹與距離。

3. 匹配與因子。

4. 連通性與路徑。

5. 圖的著色。

6. 平面圖。

7. 邊與循環。

8. 附加主題(選修)。

附錄 A:數學背景。

附錄 B:優化與複雜性。

附錄 C:選定練習的提示。

附錄 D:術語表。

附錄 E:補充閱讀。

附錄 F:參考文獻。
