The Art of Assembly Language Programming Using PIC® Technology: Core Fundamentals (PIC®技術的組合語言程式設計藝術:核心基礎)
Schousek, Theresa
The Art of Assembly Language Programming Using PICmicro(R) Technology: Core Fundamentals thoroughly covers assembly language used in programming the PIC Microcontroller (MCU). Using the minimal instruction set characteristic of all PICmicro(R) products, the author elaborates on how to execute loops, control timing and disassemble code from C mnemonics. Detailed memory maps assist the reader with tricky areas of code, and appendices on basic math supplement reader background. In-depth coverage is further provided on paging techniques that are unique to PICmicro(R) 16C57. This book is written for a broad range of skill levels, and is relevant for both the beginner and skilled C-embedded programmer.
In addition, a supplemental appendix provides advice on working with consultants, in general, and on selecting an appropriate consultant within the microchip design consultant program. With this book, users you will learn the symbols and terminology used by programmers and engineers in microprocessor applications, how to program using assembly language through examples and applications, how to program a microchip microprocessor, how to select the processor with minimal memory, and more.
- Teaches how to start writing simple code, e.g., PICmicro(R) 10FXXX and 12FXXX
- Offers unique and novel approaches on how to add your personal touch using PICmicro(R) 'bread and butter' enhanced mid-range 16FXXX and 18FXXX processors
- Teaches new coding and math knowledge to help build skillsets
- Shows how to dramatically reduce product cost by achieving 100% control
- Demonstrates how to gain optimization over C programming, reduce code space, tighten up timing loops, reduce the size of microcontrollers required, and lower overall product cost
《使用 PICmicro(R) 技術的組合語言程式設計藝術:核心基礎》全面介紹了在 PIC 微控制器 (MCU) 程式設計中使用的組合語言。作者使用所有 PICmicro(R) 產品所具有的最小指令集,詳細說明了如何執行迴圈、控制時間並從 C 語言助記符中反組譯代碼。詳細的記憶體映射幫助讀者解決代碼中的棘手問題,附錄中的基礎數學內容補充了讀者的背景知識。此外,還提供了有關 PICmicro(R) 16C57 獨特分頁技術的深入介紹。本書適合各種技能水平的讀者,無論是初學者還是熟練的嵌入式 C 程式設計師。
- 教授如何開始編寫簡單的代碼,例如 PICmicro(R) 10FXXX 和 12FXXX
- 提供獨特且新穎的方法,教授如何使用 PICmicro(R) 的「麵包和黃油」增強型中階 16FXXX 和 18FXXX 處理器,並加入個人風格
- 教授新的編碼和數學知識,幫助建立技能
- 展示如何通過實現100%的控制來大幅降低產品成本
- 示範如何優化 C 編程,減少代碼空間,緊縮時間迴圈,減少所需的微控制器大小,降低整體產品成本。