This textbook, now in its sixth edition, continues to be straightforward and easy-to-read, presenting the principles of PLCs while not tying itself to one manufacturer or another. Extensive examples and chapter ending problems utilize several popular PLCs, highlighting understanding of fundamentals that can be used regardless of manufacturer. This book will help you to understand the main design characteristics, internal architecture, and operating principles of PLCs, as well as Identify safety issues and methods for fault diagnosis, testing, and debugging. New to This edition:
- A new chapter 1 with a comparison of relay-controlled systems, microprocessor-controlled systems, and the programmable logic controller, a discussion of PLC hardware and architecture, examples from various PLC manufacturers, and coverage of security, the IEC programming standard, programming devices and manufacturer's software
- More detail of programming using Sequential Function Charts
- Extended coverage of the sequencer
- More Information on fault finding, including testing inputs and outputs with an illustration of how it is done with the PLC manufacturer's software
- New case studies
- A methodical introduction, with many illustrations, describing how to program PLCs, no matter the manufacturer, and how to use internal relays, timers, counters, shift registers, sequencers, and data-handling facilities
- Consideration of the standards given by IEC 1131-3 and the programming methods of ladder, functional block diagram, instruction list, structured text, and sequential function chart
- Many worked examples, multiple-choice questions, and problems are included, with answers to all multiple-choice questions and problems given at the end of the book
- 第一章新增內容,對繼電器控制系統、微處理器控制系統和可程式邏輯控制器進行比較,討論PLC的硬體和架構,提供來自各個PLC製造商的範例,並涵蓋安全性、IEC編程標準、編程設備和製造商軟體
- 更詳細的使用序列功能圖進行編程的內容
- 擴展了對序列器的覆蓋
- 提供更多故障排除的信息,包括測試輸入和輸出,並附有如何使用PLC製造商軟體進行測試的示例
- 新增案例研究
- 系統化的介紹,配有許多插圖,描述如何編程PLC,無論製造商如何,以及如何使用內部繼電器、計時器、計數器、移位暫存器、序列器和數據處理設施
- 考慮IEC 1131-3所提供的標準及梯形圖、功能區塊圖、指令列表、結構化文本和序列功能圖的編程方法
- 包含許多實作範例、多選題和問題,所有多選題和問題的答案均在書末提供