Software Defined Networks: A Comprehensive Approach (Paperback)

Paul Goransson, Chuck Black




Software Defined Networks discusses the historical networking environment that gave rise to SDN, as well as the latest advances in SDN technology. The book gives you the state of the art knowledge needed for successful deployment of an SDN, including:

  • How to explain to the non-technical business decision makers in your organization the potential benefits, as well as the risks, in shifting parts of a network to the SDN model
  • How to make intelligent decisions about when to integrate SDN technologies in a network
  • How to decide if your organization should be developing its own SDN applications or looking to acquire these from an outside vendor
  • How to accelerate the ability to develop your own SDN application, be it entirely novel or a more efficient approach to a long-standing problem
  • Discusses the evolution of the switch platforms that enable SDN
  • Addresses when to integrate SDN technologies in a network
  • Provides an overview of sample SDN applications relevant to different industries
  • Includes practical examples of how to write SDN applications



- 如何向組織中非技術性商業決策者解釋將網路部分轉移到SDN模型中的潛在好處和風險
- 如何明智地決定何時在網路中整合SDN技術
- 如何決定組織是否應該開發自己的SDN應用程序,還是從外部供應商獲取這些應用程序
- 如何加快開發自己的SDN應用程序的能力,無論是全新的還是對長期存在的問題的更高效方法
