Op Amps for Everyone, 4/e (Paperback)
暫譯: 每個人都能使用的運算放大器,第4版(平裝本)

Bruce Carter




Operational amplifiers are essential in modern electronics design, and are key in medical devices, communications technology, optical networks, and sensor interfacing. This book is an indispensable guide and reference for designing circuits that are reliable and have low power consumption, that are as small as possible with the lowest possible cost. This book breathes from every page the many years of experience, wisdom and expertise of the authors, giving a multitude of methods, techniques, and tricks to give engineers all that they need to optimize their analog electronic designs. All the design tools and components are from the world's leading manufacturers are covered, not just restricted to one manufacturer as with other books.

  • A complete, cookbook style handbook for designing and building analog circuits
  • A multitude of workable circuit designs that are ready to use, based on real-world component values from all the leading manufacturers, using components that are available from today's distributors
  • A treasure trove of practical wisdom: strategies to tweak a design; guidelines for developing the entire signal chain and for designing in hostile environments; the specifications that are most important for a design, to name just a few



- 一本完整的、類似食譜的手冊,用於設計和構建類比電路
- 多種可行的電路設計,基於來自所有領先製造商的實際元件值,使用當今分銷商可獲得的元件
- 實用智慧的寶庫:調整設計的策略;開發整個信號鏈的指導方針以及在惡劣環境中設計的指導方針;設計中最重要的規格,僅舉幾例