A Practical Guide to SysML: The Systems Modeling Language, Revised edition (Paperback)
暫譯: SysML 實用指南:系統建模語言,修訂版(平裝本)

Sanford Friedenthal, Alan Moore, Rick Steiner



Systems engineers and architects must understand how all the parts of a system work together to satisfy its requirements. SysML is a general purpose graphical modeling language used to specify, analyze, and design systems that may include hardware, software, and personnel. It allows engineers to describe how a system interacts with its environment, and how its parts must interact to achieve the desired system behavior and performance. The SysML model provides a shared view of the system, enabling a design team to surface issues early and prevent problems that would otherwise delay development and degrade design quality. Since SysML is based on UML, it also facilitates integration between systems and software development. SysML is now being adopted by companies across a broad range of industry, including Aerospace and Defense, Automotive, and IT System Developers.

This book provides a comprehensive and practical guide for modeling systems with SysML. It includes a full description of the language along with a quick reference guide, and shows how the language can be applied to specify, analyze, and design systems. It contains examples to help readers understand how SysML can be used in practice. The book also includes guidance on how an organization or project can transition to model based systems engineering using SysML, with considerations for processes, methods, tools, and training.

*The authoritative guide for understanding and applying SysML
*Authored by the foremost experts on the language
*Language description, examples, and quick reference guide included


系統工程師和架構師必須了解系統的所有部分如何協同工作以滿足其需求。SysML 是一種通用的圖形建模語言,用於指定、分析和設計可能包括硬體、軟體和人員的系統。它允許工程師描述系統如何與其環境互動,以及其各部分如何互動以實現所需的系統行為和性能。SysML 模型提供了系統的共享視圖,使設計團隊能夠及早發現問題,防止可能延遲開發和降低設計質量的問題。由於 SysML 基於 UML,它也促進了系統與軟體開發之間的整合。SysML 現在正被廣泛應用於各行各業的公司,包括航空航天與國防、汽車以及 IT 系統開發者。

本書提供了使用 SysML 建模系統的全面且實用的指南。它包括對該語言的完整描述以及快速參考指南,並展示了該語言如何應用於指定、分析和設計系統。書中包含示例,幫助讀者理解 SysML 在實踐中的應用。本書還提供了有關組織或項目如何過渡到基於模型的系統工程使用 SysML 的指導,包括對流程、方法、工具和培訓的考量。

* 理解和應用 SysML 的權威指南
* 由該語言的頂尖專家撰寫
* 包含語言描述、示例和快速參考指南