DW 2.0: The Architecture for the Next Generation of Data Warehousing
暫譯: DW 2.0:下一代資料倉儲架構

W.H. Inmon, Derek Strauss, Genia Neushloss



Data Warehousing has been around for 20 years and has become part of the information technology infrastructure. Data warehousing originally grew in response to the corporate need for information--not data--and it supplies integrated, granular, and historical data to the corporation.

There are many kinds of data warehouses, in large part due to evolution and different paths of software and hardware vendors. But DW 2.0, defined by this author in many talks, articles, and his b-eye-network newsletter that reaches 65,000 professionals monthly, is the well-identified and defined next generation data warehouse.

The book carries that theme and describes the future of data warehousing that is technologically possible now, at both an architectural level and technology level. The perspective of the book is from the top down: looking at the overall architecture and then delving into the issues underlying the components. The benefit of this for people who are building or using a data warehouse can see what lies ahead, and can determine: what new technology to buy, how to plan extensions to the data warehouse, what can be salvaged from the current system, and how to justify the expense--at the most practical level.

All of this gives the experienced data warehouse professional everything and exactly what is needed in order to implement the new generation DW 2.0.

* First book on the new generation of data warehouse architecture, DW 2.0.
* Written by the "father of the data warehouse", Bill Inmon, a columnist and newsletter editor of The Bill Inmon Channel on the Business Intelligence Network.
* Long overdue comprehensive coverage of the implementation of technology and tools that enable the new generation of the DW: metadata, temporal data, ETL, unstructured data, and data quality control.



資料倉儲有許多種類,這在很大程度上是由於軟體和硬體供應商的演變和不同的發展路徑所致。然而,DW 2.0,這位作者在許多演講、文章以及每月觸及65,000名專業人士的b-eye-network電子報中所定義的,是明確識別和定義的下一代資料倉儲。


所有這些都為經驗豐富的資料倉儲專業人士提供了實施新一代DW 2.0所需的一切和準確的資訊。

* 第一部關於新一代資料倉儲架構DW 2.0的書籍。
* 由「資料倉儲之父」Bill Inmon撰寫,他是商業智慧網路上《The Bill Inmon Channel》的專欄作家和電子報編輯。
* 對於實施新一代DW所需的技術和工具(如元數據、時間數據、ETL、非結構化數據和數據質量控制)的全面覆蓋,早已是時候。