The Profit Impact of Business Intelligence (Paperback)

Steve Williams, Nancy Williams




Business Intelligence (BI): It’s not just a technology. It’s not just a methodology. It’s a powerful new management approach that – when done right – can deliver knowledge, efficiency, better decisions, and profit to almost any organization that uses it.

When BI first came on the scene, it promised a lot but often failed to deliver. The missing element was the business-centric focus explained in The Profit Impact of Business Intelligence. Written by BI gurus Steve Williams and Nancy Williams, The Profit Impact of Business Intelligence shows step by step how you can achieve the promise of BI by connecting it to your organization’s strategic goals, culture, and strengths while correcting your BI weaknesses.


  • Provides a practical, process-oriented guide to achieve the full promise of BI.

  • Shows how world-class companies used BI to become leaders in their industries.

  • Helps senior business and IT executives understand the strategic impact of BI and how they can ensure a strong payoff from their BI investments.

  • Identifies the most common mistakes organizations make in implementing BI.

  • Includes a helpful glossary of BI terms.

  • Includes a BI readiness assessment for your organization.

  • Includes Web links and extensive references for more information.

    Steve Williams, President and founder of DecisionPath Consulting, is a leading advocate of business-driven BI design and development. His consulting firm is one of the largest in the specialized field of Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing. Steve has over 23 years experience in information systems and systems engineering and has co-authored a training course on the BI Pathway Method. Nancy Williams is Vice President of DecisionPath Consulting. With over 21 years of business and technical experience, she provides technical and strategic leadership on business intelligence as well as hands-on guidance for client engagements.

    Table of Contents

    1.The Business Value of Business Intelligence
    2.Identifying and Prioritizing BI-Driven Profit Opportunities for Your Company
    3.BI Readiness: Prerequisites for Leveraging BI to Improve Profits
    4.Business-Centric BI Development and the BI Pathway Method
    5.Leading and Managing a BI-Driven Profit Improvement Program
    6.BI in the Broader IT Context
    7.Key Ways BI Can Deliver Improved Profits
    8.Common Mistakes Companies Make on BI Initiatives
    9.A View Over the Horizon
    Appendix A: Where to Get More Information
    Appendix B: Business Intelligence Checklists
    Appendix C: Business Intelligence Glossary
    Appendix D: A BI “Backgrounder” for Non-Technical Executives