A PRACTITIONER'S GUIDE TO BUSINESS ANALYTICS: Using Data Analysis Tools to Improve Your Organization’s Decision Making and Strategy (Hardcover)

Randy Bartlett

  • 出版商: McGraw-Hill Education
  • 出版日期: 2013-02-05
  • 售價: $2,270
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$2,157
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 256
  • 裝訂: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 0071807594
  • ISBN-13: 9780071807593
  • 相關分類: Data Science
  • 無法訂購



The Definitive Guide to Using Analytics for Better Business Decisions

"A must-read for anyone who is directly or indirectly leading or managing an analytics function--and anyone who wants to make better decisions based on analytics, not just intuition or an 'overemphasis on industry knowledge, which crowds out good analytics.'" -- Charlotte E. Sibley, President, Sibley Associates, a bioPharma consulting company

"Over the long term, those who show the greatest imagination, grow the right skills, build the deepest organizations, and follow rigorous statistical practice will reap the greatest rewards from their analytics efforts. A Practitioner's Guide to Business Analytics lights the way." -- Thomas C. Redman, PhD, the Data Doc, Navesink Consulting Group

"Executives beware. This is not your typical management book. This book contains real information from analytical professionals who are outside the executive bubble. . . . Hold on to your seat and be prepared to change the way you think about leaders, leadership qualities, and leadership skills needed for future success in the changing business landscape." -- Thomas J. Scott, Director/Advisor, Marketing Sciences Solutions, TGaS Advisors

"Randy Bartlett has written an important and useful book, filling at least some of the large void between books that exhort managers to think more analytically without explaining how, and overly technical books that only quantitative analysts would appreciate. Particular strengths are the recommendations about how to organize to integrate analytical expertise into decision-making and the guidance about how managers can assess whether they are getting good analytical advice." -- Douglas A. Samuelson, D.Sc., President and Chief Scientist, InfoLogix, Inc., Annandale, VA; quantitative analyst, inventor, entrepreneur and executive

About the Book:

The real tragedy of a company failing while using analytics is the fact that its leaders will have the data to explain the failure, but they won't have the capabilities in place to filter the data and convert it into actionable business insights. One implication of Big Data is that we need to adapt . . . quickly. A Practitioner's Guide to Business Analytics integrates powerful strategies for leveraging analytics inside a business with a how-to playbook of tactics to make it happen.

The case for competing based on analytics is clear, but until now, there hasn't been authoritative guidance for inciting a corporate community to evolve into a thriving, analytics-driven environment. This hands-on book gives you the tools, knowledge, and strategies to capture the level of organizational commitment you need to get business analytics up and running in your company. It helps you define what business analytics is, quantify the exponential value it brings to an organization, and show others how to harness its power to gain advantage over competitors.

Accomplished business information professional Randy Bartlett brings his comprehensive coverage to life with firsthand accounts of using business analytics at brand-name global companies. Through in-depth examinations of success stories and failures in analytics-based decision making and data analyses, he fully prepares you to:

  • Assess your company's analytics needs and capabilities, and develop a strategic analytics plan
  • Steward the three pillars of Best Statistical Practice and accurately measure the quality of analytics-based decisions and data analyses
  • Build and organize a specialized Business Analytics Team to lead infrastructural changes
  • Upgrade the foundation that supports business analytics--data collection, data software, and data management
  • Create the essential synergy for success between the Business Analytics Team and IT

Effectively integrating analytics into everyday decision making, corporate culture, and business strategy is a multifront exercise in leadership, execution, and support. The specialized tools and skill sets required to succeed are finally in one resource--A Practitioner's Guide to Business Analytics.



「這是任何直接或間接領導或管理分析功能的人必讀的書籍——以及任何希望基於分析而非直覺或過度依賴行業知識來做出更好決策的人。」—— Charlotte E. Sibley,Sibley Associates總裁,生物製藥諮詢公司

「從長遠來看,那些展現出最大想像力、培養正確技能、建立最深厚組織並遵循嚴謹統計實踐的人,將從他們的分析努力中獲得最大的回報。《商業分析實務指南》指引了這條道路。」—— Thomas C. Redman博士,數據專家,Navesink Consulting Group

「高層管理者請注意。這不是一本典型的管理書籍。這本書包含來自分析專業人士的真實資訊,他們不在高層的保護圈內……請緊握座椅,準備改變你對領導者、領導特質和未來在變化商業環境中所需的領導技能的看法。」—— Thomas J. Scott,市場科學解決方案總監/顧問,TGaS Advisors

「Randy Bartlett寫了一本重要且實用的書,填補了那些鼓勵管理者更具分析思維卻不解釋如何做的書籍與僅有定量分析師能欣賞的過於技術性的書籍之間的巨大空白。特別的優勢在於關於如何組織以將分析專業知識整合進決策的建議,以及如何評估管理者是否獲得良好分析建議的指導。」—— Douglas A. Samuelson,D.Sc.,InfoLogix, Inc.總裁兼首席科學家,維吉尼亞州安南代爾;定量分析師、發明家、企業家及高管




成功的商業資訊專業人士Randy Bartlett通過對知名全球公司的商業分析實踐的第一手報導,讓他的全面覆蓋生動呈現。通過對基於分析的決策和數據分析的成功故事與失敗的深入檢視,他充分準備你去:

- 評估你公司的分析需求和能力,並制定戰略分析計劃
- 管理最佳統計實踐的三大支柱,準確衡量基於分析的決策和數據分析的質量
- 建立並組織一個專業的商業分析團隊,以引領基礎設施變革
- 升級支持商業分析的基礎——數據收集、數據軟體和數據管理
- 創造商業分析團隊與IT之間成功所需的基本協同效應
