The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook: A Quick Reference Guide to 100 Tools for Improving Quality and Speed (Paperback)
暫譯: 精益六西格瑪口袋工具書:提升品質與速度的100種工具快速參考指南(平裝本)

Michael L. George, John Maxey, David Rowlands, Mark Price




The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook blends Lean and Six Sigma tools and concepts, providing expert advice on how to determine which tool within a "family" is best for different purposes. Packed with detailed examples and step-bystep instructions, it's the ideal handy reference guide to help Green and Black Belts make the transition from the classroom to the field.
  • Features brief summaries and examples of the 70 most important tools in Lean Six Sigma, such as "Pull," "Heijunka," and "Control Charts"
  • Groups tools by purpose and usage
  • Offers a quick, easy reference on using the DMAIC improvement cycle
  • Provides comprehensive coverage in a compact, portable format



- 特別介紹了70個在精實六標準差中最重要的工具的簡要總結和範例,例如「拉動(Pull)」、「平準化(Heijunka)」和「控制圖(Control Charts)」
- 按照目的和使用方式對工具進行分組
- 提供有關使用DMAIC改進循環的快速、簡易參考
- 以緊湊、便攜的格式提供全面的內容覆蓋