物聯網 IoT /
Raspberry Pi
Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout - 66 channel w/10 Hz updates(v3)
PiTFT – Assembled 480×320 3.5吋 TFT+Touchscreen for Raspberry Pi (一代 Pi 1 專用, B+以後不適用)
VIP 95折
Make: Raspberry Pi and AVR Projects: Augmenting the Pi's ARM with the Atmel ATmega, ICs, and Sensors Paperback
VIP 95折
Make a Raspberry Pi-Controlled Robot: Building a Rover with Python, Linux, Motors, and Sensors (Paperback)
microSD 專用短轉接板 (Raspberry Pi Model B 適用)
Adventures in Minecraft (Paperback)
Raspberry Pi Model A+ 256M
anidees 銀色鋁製外殼(B+ / Pi 2 / Pi3 適用)
anidees 黑色鋁製外殼(B+ / Pi 2 / Pi3 適用)
Raspberry Pi For Dummies, 2/e (Paperback)
Coupe PiBow Raspberry Pi Case Model B+ / Pi 2 / Pi 3
VIP 95折
Raspberry Pi Hardware Reference (Paperback)
VIP 95折
Experimenting with Raspberry Pi
VIP 95折
Raspberry Pi System Software Reference (Paperback)
VIP 95折
Getting Started with Adafruit Trinket: 15 Projects with the Low-Cost AVR ATtiny85 Board (Paperback)
GPIO 遊戲機學習套件(A+ / B / B+ / Pi 2/ Pi 3 適用)
PiTFT Mini Kit – 320×240 2.8 吋 TFT+ Capacitive Touchscreen
PiTFT Enclosure for Raspberry Pi Model B
DHT11 驅動程式學習套件
DHT22 驅動程式學習套件
VIP 90折
Getting Started with Sensors: Measure the World with Electronics, Arduino, and Raspberry Pi (Paperback)
Raspberry Pi 機器人自造專案
Raspberry Pi B+ 基本套組(Raspberry Pi Model B+ 512MB + 壓克力外殼(或兩片式外殼帶風扇-隨機出貨) + 散熱片 + 5V/2000mA USB 變壓器)
Raspberry Pi B+ 記憶卡電源套組 (Model B+ + 16G microSD卡 + 5V/2A電源組)
Raspberry Pi B+ 原廠授權外殼(黑色)
Raspberry Pi 兩片式壓克力外殼帶風扇--Pi 3 / Pi 2 / B+ 適用
Raspberry Pi 六片式壓克力外殼(附散熱片)--Pi 3 / Pi 2 / B+ 適用