精通 Metasploit 滲透測試, 3/e (Mastering Metasploit : Take your penetration testing and IT security skills to a whole new level with the secrets of Metasploit, 3/e)

[英] 尼普恩·賈斯瓦爾(Nipun Jaswal)

  • 精通 Metasploit 滲透測試, 3/e (Mastering Metasploit : Take your penetration testing and IT security skills to a whole new level with the secrets of Metasploit, 3/e)-preview-1
  • 精通 Metasploit 滲透測試, 3/e (Mastering Metasploit : Take your penetration testing and IT security skills to a whole new level with the secrets of Metasploit, 3/e)-preview-2
精通 Metasploit 滲透測試, 3/e (Mastering Metasploit : Take your penetration testing and IT security skills to a whole new level with the secrets of Metasploit, 3/e)-preview-1




本書是Metasploit 滲透測試的權威指南,涵蓋了使用Metasploit 實現滲透測試的諸多方面,主要包括:滲透測試的基礎知識,編寫自定義滲透測試框架,開發滲透模塊,移植滲透模塊,測試服務,虛擬化測試,客戶端滲透,Metasploit 中的擴展功能、規避技術和“特工”技術,Metasploit 的可視化管理,以及加速滲透測試和高效使用Metasploit 的各種技巧。