Mastering Unity UI Development: All you need to superpower your games with great user interfaces

Ashley Godbold




Master Game UI system by creating captivating user interface components with Unity 5 through Unity 2018 and C#. Learn about UI texts, images, world space UI, mobile-specific UI and much more.

Key Features

  • Develop a game UI with both technical and aesthetic considerations
  • Use all the UI elements provided by Unity's UI system
  • Step-by-step examples of creating user interface components in the top game genres

Book Description

A functional UI is an important component for player interaction in every type of video game. Along with imparting crucial statistical information to the player, the UI is also the window through which the player engages with the world established by the game. Unity's tools give you the opportunity to create complex and attractive UIs to make your game stand out.

This book helps you realize the full potential of Unity's powerful tools to create the best UI for your games by walking you through the creation of myriad user interface components.

Learn how to create visually engaging heads-up-displays, pause menus, health bars, circular progress bars, animated menus, and more. This book not only teaches how to lay out visual elements, but also how to program these features and implement them across multiple games of varying genres.

While working through the examples provided, you will learn how to develop a UI that scales to multiple screen resolutions, so your game can be released on multiple platforms with minimal changes.

What you will learn

  • Design principles and patterns for laying out elements in your UI
  • Techniques that allow your UI to scale appropriately in different resolutions
  • How to use automatic layouts to streamline your UI building process
  • Properties of the Event System and how to appropriately hook events to your UI elements
  • Access the components and properties of UI elements via code
  • Implement all of Unity's built-in UI elements as well as those provided by TextMeshPro
  • Develop key UI components that are popularly used in multiple game genres
  • Add visual flare to user interfaces with the use of animation and particle effects
  • Create a UI that displays in the Screen Space as well as World Space

Who This Book Is For

This book is for anyone keen to improve their games via a great user interface with Unity's UI system. If you're looking for a book that explains how to develop specific user interfaces or that thoroughly explains how each of the individual Unity components work, this book is for you.

Table of Contents

  1. Designing User Interfaces
  2. Canvases, Palets, and Basic Layout
  3. Automatic Layouts
  4. The Event System and Programming for UI
  5. Buttons
  6. UI Text and Images
  7. Other Inputs and Masks
  8. Using Animations and Particles in the UI
  9. World Space UI
  10. Mobile Specific UI


這本書教你如何使用Unity 5到Unity 2018和C#來創建引人入勝的遊戲使用者介面(UI)組件,並掌握遊戲UI系統的主要功能。你將學習有關UI文本、圖像、世界空間UI、專為移動設備設計的UI等等。

- 在開發遊戲UI時同時考慮技術和美學因素
- 使用Unity的UI系統提供的所有UI元素
- 逐步示範如何在主要遊戲類型中創建使用者介面組件




- UI佈局元素的設計原則和模式
- 在不同分辨率下使UI適應的技巧
- 如何使用自動佈局來簡化UI構建過程
- 事件系統的屬性以及如何適當地將事件鉤接到UI元素上
- 通過代碼訪問UI元素的組件和屬性
- 實現Unity內置的所有UI元素以及TextMeshPro提供的元素
- 開發在多個遊戲類型中廣泛使用的關鍵UI組件
- 使用動畫和粒子效果為使用者界面增添視覺效果
- 創建在屏幕空間和世界空間中顯示的UI


1. 設計使用者界面
2. 畫布、調色板和基本佈局
3. 自動佈局
4. 事件系統和UI編程
5. 按鈕
6. UI文本和圖像
7. 其他輸入和遮罩
8. 在UI中使用動畫和粒子效果
9. 世界空間UI
10. 專為移動設備設計的UI